Springvale Football Ground Memorial Grandstand and Trees
Newcomen Road SPRINGVALE, Greater Dandenong City

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Statement of Significance
The Springvale Football Ground Memorial Grandstand & trees are significant to the City of Greater Dandenong:
/nAs an externally well preserved example of an uncommon building type erected in the city during the inter-war period (Criteria B.2, D.2)
/nFor its close association with the Springvale branch of the Returned Soldiers & Sailors Imperial League of Australia,who financed the grandstand, and RobertWoodcock, the Springvale Shire who purchased the land and the shire engineer who aided in the grandstand's design and construction. (Criteria H. 1)
/nAs perhaps the city's largest memorial for those who fought in the FirstWar and, by the size and the scope of the project, an indication of the status given to their memory within the community. (Criteria B.2, G. 1)
/nfor the long Monterey cypress row which creates a period setting for the grandstand as well as being a striking landscape element in the surrounding landscape
Springvale Football Ground Memorial Grandstand and Trees - Physical Description 1
This symmetrically composed grandstand is timber framed and set on a red brick and cement base, with corrugated iron clad walls and roof. Brick piers,with cement caps, support the main timber posts of the roof and stair frames while memorial panels are set into the base structure fascia. The main roof form is gabled with a small gablet set centrally. It has two timber stairs leading up to the seating area. The brick base houses change rooms, toilets and other services.
The foundation stone is basalt , with an inscription citing the opening 6 June 1936 by Cr. New (the mayor), while Cr. Harris laid a stone for the RSSILA in memory of those who fell during WW1.
A total of 74 trees make up the row of Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) along the full length of the reserve in Newcomen Road. They create a striking feature in this otherwise sparse streetscape.
Springvale Football Ground Memorial Grandstand and Trees - Physical Conditions
The building is externally near intact and in good condition. Changes have been made to openings in the brick base and a number of visually unrelated structures erected nearby. The trees are in good condition and the row is near intact.
Springvale Football Ground Memorial Grandstand and Trees - Historical Australian Themes
8. 1 Organising recreation;
8. 5 Honouring, remembering commemorating
Veterans Description for Public
Springvale Football Ground Memorial Grandstand and Trees - Veterans Description for Public
The Springvale Football Ground Memorial Grandstand and Tree plantation is dedicated to the memory of those who fought in the First World War. The memorial grandstand was financed by the Springvale Returned Soldiers & Sailors Imperial League of Australia (later Returned Servicemen's League), with funds gained from the sale of the Springvale Memorial Hall to the local Masonic Lodge. The foundation stone is basalt, with an inscription citing the opening 6 June 1936 by Cr. New (the mayor), while Cr. Harris laid a stone for the RSSILA in memory of those who fell during the First World War.
The Springvale R. S. L. sub-branch had dissolved earlier in the century but decided to reform as an association in 1935. On June 27th 1935, forty Springvale 'diggers' met at the Picture Theatre together with members of the Guild District Board, Oakleigh, Dandenong, Carnegie, Glen Iris and East Malvern sub branches to discuss the issue. The 2.5 acres of surrounding land was acquired by the Springvale Council for the project.
In 1936, bricklayers commenced to build a stand for the recreation reserve with a clubroom on the ground level. The rooms incorporated an open fireplace, dressing rooms, gas hot water and lighting. Great credit was to be given to the municipality and the shire engineer, Mr. R. H.Woodcock forhis service and dedication in building the stand. This grandstand compares with a similar design at the Camberwell cricket ground, also erected in the 1930s but otherwise grandstands such as this one have typically been replaced or defaced.
The Monterey cypress memorial plantation, consists of 74 trees along Newcomen Road, andforms the majority of the 80 cypresses planted for the Memorial Grandstand in the 1930s.
Heritage Study and Grading
Greater Dandenong - City of Greater Dandenong Heritage Study, 2000, Nadia Gasparetto, Architect (Revised from 1998 Study by Graeme Butler & Associates)
Author: Nadia Gasparetto
Year: 2000
Springvale Honour RollVic. War Heritage Inventory
Springvale RSL District Honour Roll (First World War)Vic. War Heritage Inventory
Springvale State School and District Honour Roll (First World War)Vic. War Heritage Inventory
"1890"Yarra City
"AMF Officers" ShedMoorabool Shire
"AQUA PROFONDA" SIGN, FITZROY POOLVictorian Heritage Register H1687
1 Fordham CourtYarra City
10 Fordham CourtYarra City