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Statement of Significance
SHOPS - Physical Description 1
As outlined above, the premises at 541 Toorak Road include the remainder of an old house, much altered, with Old English shopfronts added in 1933 and even more recent additions, in the same Old English mode, to Grange Road.
The facade to Toorak Road is the most strongly modelled and impressive of the various Old English shopfronts associated with this area. Symmetrical like most other examples, its features a canted first floor on timber brackets, with half timbering and a combination of gable and helm roofs clad with terracotta tiles. The central bay to the first floor projects out as a flat oriel, and the windows to the first floor are leadlight casements. The corner, eastern wall is part half timbered but largely masonry, executed in a decorative patter with an ornate parapet detail.
The frontage to Grange Road appears to retain the footprint of the original house, although the elevation treatment has been transformed to match the Toorak Road frontage. Today it reads as a number of discrete pavilions sympathetic to the character established by the corner building but of a somewhat more simplistic design. The castellated, Tudor parapet treatment to the south east bay of the old house may represent its original character, but this is unknown.
The resultant composition is stylised and self-conscious in the typical interwar manner, but in its size and complexity is extraordinary and is broadly regarded as a landmark within the area. The shopfronts to the ground floor have been rebuilt in recent years.
SHOPS - Local Historical Themes
7.2 Creating specialised shopping centres
Heritage Study and Grading
Stonnington - Prahran Conservation Study Identification of Buildings & Areas of Major Significance
Author: Nigel Lewis & Associates
Year: 1983
Grading: A1
COMO HOUSEVictorian Heritage Register H0205
BARWONVictorian Heritage Register H0825
TINTERNVictorian Heritage Register H0208
"1890"Yarra City
"AMF Officers" ShedMoorabool Shire
"AQUA PROFONDA" SIGN, FITZROY POOLVictorian Heritage Register H1687
'CARINYA' LADSONS STOREVictorian Heritage Register H0568
1 Alexander StreetYarra City
1 Botherambo StreetYarra City