211 & 213-219 BARKLY STREET,, BRUNSWICK VIC 3056 - Property No 1447

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The terrace house at 211 Barkly Street (built 1877-78 and altered c.1890) and the single storey terrace row at 213-219 Barkly Street (built 1889-90), Brunswick, are significant. The front fence is also significant. Later alterations and additions are not significant.
How is it significant?
The terrace house at 211 Barkly Street and the terrace row at 213-219 Barkly Street, Brunswick are of local historical, representative and aesthetic significance to the City of Moreland.
Why is it significant?
Together, the terrace houses are representative of the pattern of development that occurred in Brunswick in the 'Boom' years of the 1880s when it was common for a single landowner/contractor to build a row or group of houses to be tenanted. Typically, an owner would build a row of simple houses to be let out, often with a larger house at the end of the row or group for their own use. In this case, the owner remodelled the earlier double storey house at number 211 and built and rented the single storey houses at numbers 213-219. (Criterion A)
Together, they are representative of late Victorian terrace row houses with typical form, materiality (bi-chrome brick walls) and Italianate detailing, but which are notable for the ornate balustraded parapets and rich ornamentation. At 211 Barkly Street this features a broken pediment with large ball/orb finial and garland moulding and a draped urn finial at one end of the parapet. A row of smaller garland motifs alternating with eaves brackets forms the deep frieze below the balustrade and there are further decorative mouldings on the wing walls. At ground level, an ornate entry has a semi-circular arch with arched highlight windows. The broken pediment detail (this time with an urn finial and ball finials) is also used at 213-219 Barkly Street and other details include the house name within each panel, a frieze of eaves brackets and vermiculated panels beneath the parapet, bi-chrome brickwork (over-painted on one house), and an iron palisade fence with bluestone plinth and bi-chrome brick piers with rendered caps. Together with the double storey shop at the corner of Ewing Street the houses form a distinctive grouping of Victorian era buildings in this part of Barkly Street. (Criteria D & E)
TERRACE HOUSE & FRONT FENCES - Physical Conditions
The verandah to No.211 has been altered, as described above, and the face brickwork has been overpainted. The houses at nos. 213-219 are more intact. Alterations include varying paint finishes to the parapet, the overpainting of the brick walls to no.213, and the loss of the ball finial from the pediment of no.219. Window and door details are largely intact, but this varies slightly between the four houses. A visible addition has been made to the rear of no.217, but the front facade remains relatively intact.
TERRACE HOUSE & FRONT FENCES - Physical Description 1
The five terrace houses at 211-219 Barkly Street, located on the northern side of Barkly Street, are set back behind small gardens and original iron palisade fences with bluestone plinths (spearheads have been removed on number 211) and bi-chrome brick piers with rendered tops.
The double storey house at number 211 was built earlier (1877-78) than the row of four single storey houses, but given the ornate detailing was likely altered at the same time that the adjacent houses were built. The upper level balcony has a simple cast iron frieze and balustrade (with altered rail). A flat verandah roof runs between the wing walls and double French doors lead onto the balcony. At ground level, the verandah has a simple frieze. The ornate entry has arched highlight windows with (non-original) patterned glass. The entry door has both glazed and timber panels and to the right is a tripartite window with a bluestone sill. Tessellated tiles remain on the verandah floor but are in poor condition. The parapet features a broken pediment with large ball/orb finial and garland moulding and a draped urn finial at one end of the parapet (the one at the opposite end has been removed). A row of smaller garland motifs alternating with eaves brackets forms the deep frieze below the balustrade and there are further decorative mouldings on the wing walls. At ground level, an ornate entry has a semi-circular arch with arched highlight windows.
The four single storey terraces were built as two mirrored pairs with features consistent across the four houses. An ornate balustraded parapet distinguishes the row and features a similar broken pediment, this time with an urn finial, with ball finials at each end. Each of the pediments is inscribed with the name of one of the Tempany daughters (no. 213 - Ethel, no. 215 - Edith, no. 217 - Alice, no. 219 - Betty). Below the parapet, rendered panels with a vermiculated finish are spaced along the length of the terrace between eaves brackets and further cast cement details enrich the parapet and end walls.
Walls are of face brown brick with a contrasting cream brick detailing around the door and window openings. A bullnose verandah roof runs between the wing walls of each house and is decorated with a simple iron frieze. An arched recess wall is notable on each dwelling. Each dwelling has a tripartite window and a timber four panel entry door with highlight window detailed with an offset timber frame.
The houses, along with the corner shop building also constructed by Tempany, which abuts the eastern end of the terrace row, form a distinctive grouping of Victorian era buildings in this part of Barkly Street.
Heritage Study and Grading
Moreland - Moreland Heritage Gaps Study 2017
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2017
Grading: LocalMoreland - Moreland City Council: Local Heritage Places Review
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading:Moreland - Keeping Brunswick's heritage: A Report on the Review of the Brunswick Conservation Study
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 1990
Grading: Local
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