Welcome to the Victorian Heritage Database

Protecting Our Past, Enriching Our Future
50 Years of the Victorian Heritage Register! The Heritage Council of Victoria will celebrate this milestone and the many important places and objects protected in the Victorian Heritage Register through various events and partnerships throughout the year.
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The Victorian Heritage Database is home to the Victorian Heritage Register which lists the state's most significant heritage places, objects and historic shipwrecks protected under the Heritage Act 2017. It's also home to the Victorian Heritage Inventory which lists all known historical archaeological sites in Victoria.
Additionally, the Database stores the records of some local heritage places. This includes those listed in the Heritage Overlays of 29 Local Planning Schemes (note there are 79 Local Government Authorities: the Database does not have access to the information on all heritage overlays). It also includes the records of non-statutory listings held by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and the Victorian War Heritage Inventory.
Please check the source of the data you are reading (listed to the right of the title). The colour coding system of entries also reveals if a place is on the Victorian Heritage Register (red entries) or the Victorian Heritage Inventory (dark grey entries). All other entries – National Trust, local government and items in the Victorian War Heritage Inventory – are light grey.