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Statement of Significance
What is Significant?
Cowies Creek Rail Bridge No 2 is a single span semicircular arch (or roman or round arch) bluestone bridge situated on the Geelong to Ballarat railway over Cowies Creek, 9.5 kilometres from Geelong. It was constructed in 1860 by Evans, Merry and Co. for the Victorian Railways to the design of George Darbyshire, engineer-in-chief of the Victorian Railways Department.
Rail links to the goldfields were considered priority routes by the colonial government and the Melbourne to Bendigo and the Geelong to Ballarat lines were the first two trunk lines built by the newly formed Victorian Railways Department. Geelong had been linked to Melbourne by rail since June 1857 but this line had been constructed by the privately financed Geelong to Melbourne Railway Company, which was a Geelong led initiative. The Geelong to Ballarat line opened in 1862 and became an important early link between the Ballarat goldfields and Geelong Port. This enabled Geelong to compete in shipping with Melbourne and facilitated the post gold rush growth and development of Ballarat as a major regional centre. Ballarat later became a railway hub for a number of other lines in the north west of Victoria. Subsequently all railway traffic from Adelaide and the Western Districts went by way of Geelong until the direct rail route between Melbourne to Ballarat was completed in 1889.
The bridge is characterised by its sophisticated design and finely finished stonework of rusticated ashlar which contrasts with the smooth surfaces of details such as the voussoirs, string courses and coping stones. Other refinements include the splayed abutments and the curved and tapering wing walls. The corners of the bridge are marked by large square pilasters supported on curve-ended corbels, and parapet walls of rusticated ashlar with a curved-top coping extends along the length of both side of the bridge.
The arch was designed to carry two lines of railway track over Cowies Creek, which was diverted to cross the railway alignment at a more convenient angle for bridge building, and hence avoid the need to skew the bridge.
How is it Significant?
Cowies Creek Rail Bridge No 2 is of historical and architectural significance to the State of Victoria
Cowies Creek Rail Bridge No 2 is of historical significance for its association with the Geelong to Ballarat Railway, which was one of the first two main trunk lines constructed by the Victorian Railways to connect the main gold producing towns to the ports of Melbourne and Geelong .
Cowies Creek Rail Bridge No 2 is of historical significance for its association with George Christian Darbyshire, engineer-in-chief of the Victorian Railways Department at the time of the bridge's design, and an important figure in the development of Victoria's railways.
Cowies Creek Rail Bridge No 2 is of architectural significance as a rare and unusual style of masonry rail bridge reflecting established British design precedents in the use of semicircular or round arch in local bluestone. The bridge is a rare type, as semicircular arch forms are only known from a handful of early rail bridges, generally the multiple arch viaducts such as Harpers Creek and Kismet Creek at Sunbury.
Cowies Creek Rail Bridge No 2 is of architectural significance for its sophisticated design and highly elaborated stonework treatment which is evident in the bridge's substantial abutments, curved and tapering wing walls and in the bridge's stonework and careful detailing.
DATE BUILT: 1859-61
Victoria's first railways were directly related to the population expansion and wealth generated by the gold rushes of the 1850s. While the first railway in Victoria (and Australia) was intended to link the main settlement at Melbourne with the port, the next wave of railway building served the gold towns of Bendigo and Ballarat.The Geelong and Melbourne Railway Company was a local Geelong initiative born out of the rivalry between the two ports for shipping and goldfields commerce with works commencing on 20 September 1853. Edward Snellwho had previously been responsible for a number of Geelong buildings, was the engineer for the line, while Ferdinand Kawerauwas the company's principal architect.[1] By mid 1856 the railway was complete apart from the track between the Werribee River and Williamstown Junction, where it was expected the line would join with the Mount Alexander Company's branch.[2] Trains began running from Geelong to Lara in November 1856, and through to Little River by January 1857.
Construction of railways had begun in earnest in the later half of the 1850s thanks in no small part to the efforts of Surveyor General Andrew Clarke. A Commission reported on 26 September 1854 that the construction of railways on a grand scale should be adopted and that such undertakings should be carried out by the Government. Subsequently a Select Committee authorised the Surveyor General to undertake surveys to determine the most suitable path for proposed main trunk railway lines. Surveying of the proposed lines appears to have begun in 1855. Some of this growing Government commitment to railways has been sourced to the Royal Engineers, who had been the regulators of Britain's private railways in the late 1840s railway boom. The Governor General at the time, Sir William Denison, was himself the most powerful of the Royal Engineers. The Argus noted that as the serious difficulties of the Mount Alexander Company spurred the Legislative Council to pass a motion affirming the desirability of government take over of the company, but rather than doing this immediately, it established a Royal Commission to examine transport options.[3]
The Commission was chaired by Francis Murphy with two Royal Engineers, the Commissioner of Public Works, Charles Pasley and Archibald Ross. The Commissions Report of September 1854 suggested the government acquire the Mount Alexander Company and build three main lines of railway: from Melbourne to Castlemaine and Bendigo; from Melbourne in the direction of Sydney" (presumably to eventually link up with a south bound railway in New South Wales); and from Geelong to Ballarat.[4]
Pasley, and the Surveyor General, Captain Andrew Clarke, were appointed Trustees of the Melbourne, Mount Alexander and Murray River Railway. The District Surveyor at Williamstown, George Christian Darbyshire examined the company's works and finances and was later chosen for the position of Engineer in Chief. His Assistant Engineers and Surveyors included Robert and George Watson, Messrs Zeal, Bennet, Green, Hardie and Smith. Peter Lalor of Eureka fame was appointed Inspector of Works. Darbyshire was replaced as Engineer in Chief in 1860 by Thomas Higginbotham, but it would seem that the designs for the bridges had already been determined by this stage.
With the Geelong to Melbourne connection completed, the next task facing the railway builders was the link between Geelong and Ballarat. During the 1850's gold rush, Ballarat had grown enormously but a journey from Geelong, the nearest port, could take nine hours by coach. A private venture to build a railway to Ballarat was floated in 1853 as the Geelong and Ballarat Railway Company, a large amount of capital was subscribed, and a survey made of the route. However, following a second reading in parliament of the enabling bill, a change in government policy that it would take the responsibility of constructing the main trunk lines resulted in the bill being defeated.[5]
On 24 November 1857, government approved the construction of the Geelong - Ballarat railway and works were inaugurated by an elaborate ceremony at Geelong on 26 August 1858 with a gala occasion comprising much festive spirit including a procession, flags, bunting, speeches and celebratory dinner.
Construction of the railway to Ballarat was straightforward, apart from the challenge of crossing the Moorabool River valley. The solution, the Moorabool viaduct, was a striking feat of engineering with its 1450 feet (442 metres) span and ten arches. The line was built to a high standard by the Victorian Railways, with double track provided throughout, stone station buildings at all of the initial stations, a number of stone bridges for roads that crossed the line.
Wining tenderers for construction of the line were Evans, Merry & Co. who were awarded the contract for £1,271,841. However, the contract was taken over by Messrs. Williams and Little after Evans & Merry fell into financial difficulties. Little had also been involved in the original contractors' partnership, but the complexities of the arrangement appear to have continued as a matter of dispute for several years, with a protracted series of court cases into the 1870s.
Construction was completed by March 29th 1862 and the line was officially opened on 10 April 1862. It remained the only rail link from Ballarat to Melbourne until 1889 when the current direct line through Bacchus Marsh was completed.
William Robert Merry was a well established civil engineer, who claimed that he, Mr. G. S. Evans, and Mr. Little were the original contractors for the construction of the Geelong and Ballarat railway, but he had been cheated out of the contractual agreements. He made accusations of perjury and the attempted substitution of a deed of contract to his disadvantage. The cases continued for many years initially commencing in 1862 and as late as 1894 when he made an unsuccessful claim against the government for his claimed share of the contract payments which he put at £442,400.[6] However, he appears to have suffered as a result of the railway contract failing and became insolvent later in the century. [7]
A series of contracts were advertised by the Board of Land & Works in January 1858 for construction of various sections of the Geelong to Ballarat railway, with the Cowies Creek section numbered 27, comprising the greatest portion of 52 miles, and evidently including both the substantial bridges over Cowies Creek, as well as the bulk of the rest of the line. Other contracts dealt with the Moorabool viaduct, various stations and other discrete infrastructure.[8]Evans Merry & Co. commenced the works on the bridge, but the contract had been transferred to Williams and Little by the time the bridge was complete. There is a separate reference to Mr. Alexander Smith carrying out works on other bridge construction on the line at the same time, with, Mr. Davies described as ".being the superintendent engineer."[9] It is likely that Smith and Davies were employees of one or both of the contractors and had direct responsibility for supervising the construction works.
The design of the bridge is most likely to have been the responsibility of one of the Victorian Railways own engineers. It is known that the engineers-in-chief George Christian Darbyshire (1856-60) and Thomas Higginbotham (1860-78) took overall responsibility for the permanent way and bridge designs for the main trunk lines. the bridge arch is very similar to those on the two Sunbury stone viaducts, which were probably designed by William Edward Bryson.
Andrew Clarke had appointed William O'Hara to design bridges and viaducts, while Bryson stated to the Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly on Railway Contracts that he had designed most of the large bridges on the Bendigo line. Clarke clearly influenced the design of the railway in setting the standards for the line.
George Darbyshire took up a post as Engineer of the Melbourne and Mount Alexander Railway in 1855 and was then appointed as Engineer in Engineer-in-Chief of the Victorian Railways from 1 April 1856 to 17 May 1860 when he supervised the various design engineers. He was replaced by Thomas Higinbotham.[10]
Darbyshire saw himself as an engineer, and was recruited to the Survey Department by the Surveyor General Andrew Clarke, as an engineer. In response to a question when appearing before the Select Committee upon the Railways on 4 May 1860 to describe an engineer he stated -A man who has actually been employed for some years, having actual experience in the working and construction is a civil engineer, as compared with the man who has no experience in works of construction.[11]
The Cowies Creek bridge is therefore most likely to have been designed by either Darbyshire himself, of by Bryson under his supervision. It would have been finished by April 1861 or earlier as a published description at that time, when describing that the section of railway from the junction at Geelong West to the Moorabool River, noted that ".that portion may be looked upon as completed, for both lines are permanently laid, and a settled aspect pervades the whole.[12][1] Snell, Edward, The life and adventures of Edward Snell, Tom Griffiths (ed), Angus & Robertson and the Library Council of Victoria, Melbourne, 1988; Victorian Register Heritage, Werribee Railway Station, H1309
[2] Lee 2007 pp.28-9
[3] Lee 2007 p.24-5
[4] Lee 2007 p25, Argus 11 April 1854; Francis Murphy, Charles Pasley & Archibald Ross, Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the best modes of providing for the internal communication of the colony, 26 September 1854, Vic V&P, LA (1856-1857, vol. 4 pp. 853-5.
[5] Report of the Select Committee on the Geelong and Ballarat Railway Company, The Argus Thursday 28 June 1860 p.7
[6] The Argus Tuesday 21 December 1875 p.9
[7] The West Australian Monday 25 June 1894 p.3
[8] Government Gazette, 2, Date: Tuesday, January 5th 1858 p.23
[9] Ibid.
[10] R. L. Wettenhall, 'Higinbotham, Thomas (1819 - 1880)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 4, Melbourne University Press, 1972, pp 397-398.
[11] Betty Malone, 'Clarke, Sir Andrew (1824 - 1902)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 3, Melbourne University Press, 1969, pp 409-411., Letter to Surveyor General 28 May 1856, p 48, Andrew Clarke's Report on Railways, 1856, Appendix III.
[12] A Visit to the Geelong and Ballarat Railway Line. (by our special reporter.)The Argus Tuesday 23 April 1861 Page 5
Source: Gary Vines, Masonry Rail Bridges Gap Study, Initial Draft Classification Report, National Trust of Australia (Victoria), 2009
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COWIES CREEK RAIL BRIDGE NO 2 - Permit Exemption Policy
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It is important that any proposed changes to the place are considered on the basis of clearly defined plans and must be carried out in a manner which prevents damage to the significant fabric of the registered place.
Moorabool Railway StationGreater Geelong City H1579
CoolangattaNational Trust
'CARINYA' LADSONS STOREVictorian Heritage Register H0568
1 Alexander StreetYarra City
1 Botherambo StreetYarra City