Hopetoun cemetery and chapel

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Statement of Significance
An early, pre-gold rush Catholic cemetery and chapel established in 1850-51, which closed in 1941, with the ruins of an early Catholic chapel and school, which closed in 1874. The cemetery was the earliest established in the Catholic Diocese of Melbourne. The chapel was the first Catholic church in Bacchus Marsh.
The complex is of regional historical significance as a representative embodiment of the way of life in the early settlement and for its association with religious and educational developments in community life which are pioneering to the locality and in the case of the cemetery, the earliest in the State.
It is of regional architectural significance as an example of a relatively intact surviving early cemetery and of scientific significance in demonstrating potential for archaeological research.
Hopetoun cemetery and chapel - Physical Description 1
An early cemetery, now closed. There are seven old pine trees and about 22 marked graves. Most graves have gravestones and low cast-iron fences, often on dressed bluestone bases. There are fragments of other gravestones.
There is also a ruin ofa small masonry building. The bases ofwalls on three sides and of a porch survive. These are in brick and rubble stone, or brick (three courses, 340mm thick and overall, 6.85xl1.25m). There is an open concrete drain leading to a culvert at its north end, on the west boundary. Also a post and rail (one side post and wire) boundary fence all round, and the remnants of other timber fences. (Refer: maps);'
Hopetoun cemetery and chapel - Intactness
Hopetoun cemetery and chapel - Physical Conditions
CONDITIONS & THREATS: Poor. Appears neglected and exposed to vehicular pollution and vandalism. Needs maintenance. The fence needs further repair
Heritage Study and Grading
Moorabool - Bacchus Marsh Heritage Study 1995
Author: Richard Peterson and Daniel Catrice
Year: 1995
FORMER LEAHY'S RESIDENCEVictorian Heritage Register H0907
HOPETOUN CEMETERYVictorian Heritage Register H2059
HOPETOUN CEMETERY AND CHAPELVictorian Heritage Inventory
..estervilleYarra City
1 Alfred CrescentYarra City
1 Barkly StreetYarra City