Former Moonee Ponds RSL Hall
30 Holmes Road MOONEE PONDS, Moonee Valley City
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Statement of Significance
The former Retumed Soldiers' and Sailors' Imperial League of Australia Essendon
Branch building at no. 30 Holmes Road, Essendon, was erected in 192~21 following
the formation of the Branch in 1919. It is historically and aesthetically important It is
historically important (Criterion A) in that its presence in the Holmes Road streetscape
recalls the importance of the former RSSILA just after the Great War whilst its design
(Criterian E) is expressive of the emotionally charged times in which it was built
through its use of monumental Neo Classical forms with upper level loggia from which
the public could be addressed on special occasions. The later additions have
compromised this significance by concealing the original facade and by reducing the
space for public gatherings at the front.
Former Moonee Ponds RSL Hall - Physical Description 1
An imposing Neo Classical public building of the inter-war period now with wings extending to Holmes Road. The original facade, now partially obscured by the wings, has an arcaded lower level with a surmounting loggia of three bays, the bays on either side having windows and the entire composition being subdivided into three parts by red brick pilasters with stylised cement decoration in lieu of capitals.' The Complete facade is unified by a simple frieze and plain parapet treatment.
Former Moonee Ponds RSL Hall - Integrity
Condition: Sound. Integrity: Medium, paint colour scheme unsympathetic.
Former Moonee Ponds RSL Hall - Historical Australian Themes
8. Developing cultural institutions and ways oflife. 8.5 Forming associations.
Veterans Description for Public
Former Moonee Ponds RSL Hall - Veterans Description for Public
The former Returned Soldiers' and Sailors' Imperial League of Australia Essendon Branch building, at 30 Holmes Road, Moonee Ponds, was erected in 1921 following the formation of the Branch in 1919. The foundation stone for which was laid on October 31st 1920, by the Governor General Lord Forster. The ceremony was then followed by a memorial service . The Branch had an astounding membership of 3,000, compared to the Victorian state-wide membership of 40,000. The hall described initially as a "clubroom", was completed by honorary builder C.W.H.Mears. Activities of the Branch over the years included organising Armistice Day celebrations and conducting Appeals.
Heritage Study and Grading
Moonee Valley - City of Moonee Valley Heritage Study
Author: Andrew Ward
Year: 1998
FORMER CURATOR'S COTTAGEVictorian Heritage Register H1078
FORMER MOONEE PONDS COURT HOUSEVictorian Heritage Register H1051
10 Down StreetYarra City