Welshpool War Memorial Obelisk
Main Street WELSHPOOL, South Gippsland Shire
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Statement of Significance
What is Significant?
The Welshpool World War 1 Soldiers' Memorial, comprising the memorial constructed by W Bird in 1920 and the associated flagpole and landscaping, and situated in Main Street, Welshpool.
Why is it Significant?
The Welshpool World War 1 Soldiers' Memorial is of local historic, aesthetic and social significance to the township and district of Welshpool.
Historically, it was the first memorial to be established in the former Shire of South Gippsland and expresses the significant effect that the First World War had upon small rural communities, and is related to the Avenue of Honour. (AHC criteria - A.4 and D.2) Aesthetically, the memorial is enhanced by its landscape setting that includes mature Canary Island Palms that are symbolic of victory.
Socially, the memorial is important as the focus of local remembrance day activities. (AHC criterion - G.1)
Welshpool War Memorial Obelisk - Physical Description 1
The Welshpool World War 1 Soldiers' Memorial, located in Main Street, Welshpool, is constructed in grey granite in Classical style. The monument sits on a square split and margined basalt base with two stepped elements carrying a tapered trunk below a four sided pediment each side with the rising sun emblem of the Australian Armed Forces engraved. On top of the pediments sits a square obelisk of typical tapered form and a pyramidal cap. The sides of the upper step and trunk are engraved with the names of the fallen in both world wars. The setting is landscaped with a flagpole, shrubs and Cordylines. Canary Island Palms form part of a broader landscaped setting - Inglis (1998) notes that palms have biblical significance as symbols of victory.
Welshpool War Memorial Obelisk - Physical Description 2
Mr W Bird
StyleInterwar Classical Monument
Welshpool War Memorial Obelisk - Historical Australian Themes
Thematic Context
Government + Community Institutions
Military Defence
Veterans Description for Public
Welshpool War Memorial Obelisk - Veterans Description for Public
The Welshpool Memorial Obelisk, located in Main Street, was unveiled by Brigadier General Beard DSO CMB CB on Thursday 4th November 1920, in the presence of local community members and the Shire President, Cr. H Eldridge. The memorial was the first to commemorate the First World War in the former Shire of South Gippsland, its erection followed the progressive establishment of the Avenue of Honour along Main Street from 1917- 1920. Two years after the unveiling, the "Mirror" reported howfifteen standard roses were planted around the Memorial to represent the men who made the Supreme Sacrifice.
The memorial is constructed in grey granite in a Classical style. The monument sits on a square split and margined basalt base with two stepped elements carrying a tapered trunk below a four sided pediment each side with the rising sun emblem of the Australian Armed Forces engraved. On top of the pediments sits a square obelisk of typical tapered form and a pyramidal cap. The sides of the upper step and trunk are engraved with the names of the fallen in both world wars and returned soldiers on the other faces. The setting is landscaped with a flagpole, shrubs and Cordylines. Canary Island Palms form part of a broader landscaped setting and have a biblical significance as symbols of victory.
Initial meetings to discuss the establishment of a suitable memorial in Welshpool to locals who served inthe First World Warwere held during 1918. The Mirror reported on 28 February 1918 that ladies of the Welshpool Red Cross Society intended to "raise funds to place an honour board in the Mechanics Institute and to continue the planting of the Anzac Avenue begun last Arbor Day".
By 11 July 1918 the Mirror was able to report that the first meeting, held on 28 June, was organized by "ladies of the Welshpool Red Cross" who had collected "upward of £40 for an honour board for the Hall and some other form of memorial for the soldiers". A committee of ten comprising five men and five women was established with Cr Growse JP as Chairman, and Mr G Knight as Secretary. A good deal of discussion took place at this meeting as to the form the memorial should take. Mr Knight moved that it take the form of an avenue of trees with name plates attached. This motion was amended by Mr Christie to include a marble monument.
The Mirror subsequently reported that the design of a soldiers memorial "has finally been adopted and efforts must now be made to secure the necessary funds". The design selected was a "very chaste one" and was to be constructed from Gippslandgranite from Mr W Bird's quarry at Orbost. On 11 November 1920 The Foster Mirror reported that: "The climax of Welshpool's patriotic efforts was reached on the 4th inst. when the Soldiers' Memorial was unveiled, the gem in the setting in the Avenue of Honour."
Heritage Study and Grading
South Gippsland - South Gippsland Heritage Study
Author: David Helms with Trevor Westmore
Year: 2004
WELSHPOOL HOTELSouth Gippsland Shire
10 Down StreetYarra City