Neerim War Memorial
2626 Main Neerim Road, NEERIM VIC 3831
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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The Neerim World War I memorial, erected in 1923, at 2626 Main Neerim Road, Neerim.
How is it significant?
The Neerim War memorial is of local historic and social significance to Baw Baw Shire.
Why is it significant?
Historically, it is significant as a one of a series of memorials erected after World War One that provides tangible evidence of the impact of that conflict upon local communities. (Criterion A)
It is socially significant as a place has strong and enduring associations with the Neerim community and remains the focus of remembrance day commemorations. The enduring connection is demonstrated by the memorials to other conflicts that have been added to the memorial over time. (Criterion G)
Neerim War Memorial - Physical Description 1
The Neerim War memorial is a grey granite obelisk on a three-stepped base, which is situated on a slightly elevated site in the roadside in front of the Neerim Cemetery. It is surrounded by a concrete post and rail fence. On the west and east faces are the bronze insignia of the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces. Below the insignia on the west face are two bronze plaques. The first reads "for King and Country, to the memory of the men from the districts of Neerim, Noojee and Fumina who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1919. Erected by their fellow citizens". The second bronze plaque, on the section below, reads "For King and Country to the memory of the men from the districts of Neerim and Noojee who gave their lives in World War II 1939-1945".
Neerim War Memorial - Historical Australian Themes
8.8 CommemoratingVeterans Description for Public
Neerim War Memorial - Veterans Description for Public
The Neerim War Memorial, at 2626 Main Neerim Road, was unveiled August 18th 1920, to commemorate the First World War. The memorial consists of a grey granite obelisk on a three-stepped base, and is situated on a slightly elevated site in the roadside in front of the Neerim Cemetery. On the west and east faces of the monument are the bronze insignia of the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces. Below the insignia on the west face are two bronze plaques; the first reads "For King and Country, to the memory of the men from the districts of Neerim, Noojee and Fumina who gave their lives in the Great War 1914-1919 erected by their fellow citizens", the second plaque reads; "For King and Country to the memory of the men from the districts of Neerim and Noojee who gave their lives in World War II 1939-1945". The memorial lists the names of 59 servicemen who fell in the First and Second World Wars.
Heritage Study and Grading
Baw Baw - Baw Baw Shire Heritage Study Stage 2
Author: Context P/L
Year: 2010
Grading: LocalBaw Baw - Baw Baw Heritage Study (Stage 1)
Author: Context Pty. Ltd
Year: 2006
Neerim Anglican Church (First World War)Vic. War Heritage Inventory
Neerim District Honour Roll (First World War)Vic. War Heritage Inventory
Neerim Anglican Church Honour Roll (First World War)Vic. War Heritage Inventory
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