Trafalgar War Memorial
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Statement of Significance
The Trafalgar War Memorial, erected in 1921, and including the later alterations to commemorate later conflicts. The form, detailing and siting of the memorial contributes to its significance.
How is it significant?
The Trafalgar War Memorial is of local historic, social and architectural significance to Baw Baw Shire.
Why is it significant?
Historically, it is significant as a one of a series of memorials erected after World War One that provides tangible evidence of the impact of that conflict upon local communities. (Criterion A)
It is socially significant as a place that has strong and enduring associations with the Trafalgar community and remains the focus of remembrance day commemorations. The amendments to thememorial to commemorate later conflicts illustrates the continuing connection and importance of the place to the community.(Criterion G)
It is architecturally significant as one of the more elaborately designed World War I memorials in Baw Baw Shire. (Criterion D & F)
Trafalgar War Memorial - Physical Description 1
The Trafalgar War Memorial is situated in front of the former Narracan Shire Offices facing the Princes Highway. Constructed of granite, this memorial comprises a a soldier standing at 'reverse arms' on a small entablature, which is supported by four columns set on a square base. At the front of the base is engraved the dedication of the memorial to those who gave the 'supreme sacrifice'. Originally, this was for First World War only, but an 'S' has been added to the final sentence to refer to the 'Great Wars' , and the dates of the Second World War added below those of WWI. Below this a small plaque which provides an additional dedication to those who served in subsequent confliects including Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam. The names of key conflicts in WWI are engraved into the cornice on each side of the entablature, while the names 31 locals who gave the supreme sacrifice are carved in each side of the base.
Trafalgar War Memorial - Historical Australian Themes
8. Community and cultural life
8.8 CommemoratingVeterans Description for Public
Trafalgar War Memorial - Veterans Description for Public
The Trafalgar War Memorial is situated in front of the former Narracan Shire Offices facing the Princes Highway. The memorial was unveiled by the Victorian Governor, Earl of Stradbroke, on 7th December 1921. Constructed of granite, this memorial comprises of a soldier standing at 'reverse arms' on a small entablature, which is supported by four columns set on a square base. At the front of the base is engraved the dedication of the memorial to those who gave the 'supreme sacrifice'. Originally, this was for First World War only, but an 'S' has been added to the final sentence to refer to the 'Great Wars' and the dates of the Second World War added below those of the First World War. Below this a small plaque is an additional dedication to those who served in subsequent conflicts including Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam. The names of key conflicts inthe First World Warare engraved into the cornice on each side of the entablature, while the names thirty-one locals who gave the supreme sacrifice are carved in each side of the base.
Heritage Study and Grading
Baw Baw - Baw Baw Heritage Study (Stage 1)
Author: Context Pty. Ltd
Year: 2006
Grading:Baw Baw - Baw Baw Shire Heritage Study Stage 2
Author: Context P/L
Year: 2010
Grading: Local
Former Trafalgar Co-Operative Butter & Cheese FactoryNational Trust
Trafalgar RSLVic. War Heritage Inventory
Trafalgar Narracan Shire Honour Roll (First World War)Vic. War Heritage Inventory
10 Down StreetYarra City