58-64 Hall Road WARRANDYTE SOUTH, Manningham City

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The Warrandyte South State School, designed by the Public Works Department and constructed in 1939, and the 1951 memorial gates and entry pathway, at 58 Hall Road, South Warrandyte.
How is it significant?
The Warrandyte South State School, at 58 Hall Road, South Warrandyte, of aesthetic, social and historic significance to the City of Manningham.
Why is it significant?
Of aesthetic significance as a small-scale example of architect Percy Everett's use of the Moderne style for Public Works Department-designed schools. (RNE criterion E.1)
Of social significance as the local school serving many generations (RNE criterion G.1)
Of historic significance as a demonstration of the rebuilding of Warrandyte South after the 1939 bushfires. (RNE criterion A.4)
WARRANDYTE SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3476 (former) - Historical Australian Themes
Local Themes
6.03 - Schools
WARRANDYTE SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3476 (former) - Physical Description 1
The Warrandyte South Primary School is an inter-war school building, which illustrates the Moderne influence upon school design at the time when Percy Everett was the Chief Designer of the Public Works Department. It has a hipped corrugated iron roof and weatherboard clad walls with a fibro-cement frieze below the eaves. Projecting from the front of the building there is a symmetrical skillion-roofed entry wing with a central doorway, flanked on either side by threebay timber framed double-hung sash windows with horizontal glazing bars. Bays of windows of the same type extend across the full width of each of the side elevations. At either end of the entry wing the roof is penetrated by a red-brick chimney with three brick string courses.
The front of the school building is located on an axis with a pedestrian entrance to the school grounds flanked by piers of local sandstone. Affixed to one of the piers is a bronze memorial plaque which reads: 'Erected to the memory of H.W. Everard 1951'.
The building is in good condition, although there are c.1960 classroom additions to the rear. The school grounds also contain a number of more recent buildings.
WARRANDYTE SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3476 (former) - Physical Conditions
Condition Good
Integrity Minor modifications
WARRANDYTE SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3476 (former) - Physical Description 2
Key elements
WARRANDYTE SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL NO. 3476 (former) - Physical Description 3
Extent To the extent of the 1939 school (excluding the later additions) and all the land between the school and Hall Road, including the entry path and the memorial gates and the front fence to a minimum distance of 3m to either side of the gates.
Heritage Study and Grading
Manningham - Manningham Heritage Study Review
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2006
Grading: Local
HOUSE AT 77 Hall RoadManningham City