16 Fulford Road WONGA PARK, Manningham City

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Statement of Significance
AVONLEIGH - Historical Australian Themes
Local Themes
5.03 - Eight hour pioneer settlement
AVONLEIGH - Physical Description 1
Timber house, located on large rural property. The house is symmetrical and double-fronted, with a hipped roof, high verandah on brick piers across the main facade, and paired double-hung windows. The entry driveway is lined with mature pines, and there is a lily-filled dam near the roadside. There are large trees at the side and rear of the house.
AVONLEIGH - Physical Conditions
Condition Good
AVONLEIGH - Integrity
Integrity Altered
AVONLEIGH - Physical Description 2
Threats None apparent
AVONLEIGH - Physical Description 3
David John Hooper
Heritage Study and Grading
Manningham - Manningham Heritage Study Review
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2006
Grading: Local
CLIFFORD PARKManningham City
SCOUT CHAPELManningham City