Glenelg Highway COLERAINE, Southern Grampians Shire
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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The Coleraine Showground is situated approximately 1.75 kilometers north west of the township of Coleraine, located on the Glenelg Highway. The land on which the Showground Reserve stands was originally part of the Koroite Pre-emptive right, owned by several important pastoralists. The Showgrounds extend south towards Bryant's Creek for approximately 1.5 kilometers. The site is bounded by Cameron Street to the east, the north south and west boundaries are defined by a fence of corrugated iron. Within the showground there are a number of structures which relate specifically to the annual Pastoral and Agricultural Society show. These include a large oval showing ring in the centre of the site, a sheep/pig display shed, a poultry shed, cattle/horse stalls, a kiosk, luncheon hall, display hall, office and various other small buildings. The buildings were constructed in the early part of the twentieth century by members of the local Pastoral and Agricultural Society, from corrugated iron and local timbers.
How is it significant?
The Coleraine showgrounds is of historical and social significance to the township of Coleraine and the Southern Grampians Shire.
Why is it significant?
The Coleraine Showgrounds are of historical significance to the township of Coleraine for its early history as part of the Koroite Pre-emptive right, owned by a number of important local pastoralists, including the Whyte Brothers, C. J Whyte, Stephen George Henty and William Swan. They are also significant for their social associations with the Pastoral and Agricultural society. Pastoral and Agricultural Shows have always been a very important social focus for country people. The Coleraine Show has had a long standing association and recognition throughout the Shire since the 1850s as an important local institution, where local people were able to gain recognition for their produce and skills, where new products were exhibited, and as an important local event on the social calendar. The showgrounds provide an important community meeting place, serving as the venue or clubrooms for a variety of community groups and the local people. The success and popularity of the Coleraine Show demonstrates the continuing strong pastoral and agricultural focus of the local community, and the importance placed on this.
The Coleraine showgrounds are in fair condition.
COLERAINE SHOWGROUNDS - Physical Description 1
The Coleraine Showground is situated approximately 1.75 kilometers north west of the township of Coleraine, located on the Glenelg Highway. The land on which the Showground Reserve stands was originally part of the Koroite Pre-emptive right, owned by several important pastoralists. The showgrounds extend south towards Bryant's Creek for approximately 1.5 kilometers. The site is bounded by Cameron Street to the east, and is fenced in corrugated iron for the most part. Within the showground there are a number of structures which relate to the annual Pastoral and Agricultural (P. & A.) Society show. These include a large oval showing ring in the centre of the site, a sheep/pig display shed, a poultry shed, cattle/horse stalls, a kiosk, luncheon hall, display hall, office and various other small buildings. There are also several mature Cupressus macrocarpa (Monterey Cypress) planted between the show ring and the cattle/horse sheds to provide shelter. These trees are in fair condition, although some are becoming senescent and dangerous.
The showground has been sited carefully on the Glenelg Highway. The location of the showgrounds at the western entrance of the town on the main highway is balanced by the location of the racecourse on the eastern entrance to the town. The siting of the reserve is also important, as it is located on a flat piece of land surrounded by rolling hills. In 1939, the Coleraine Albion reported on the Coleraine Pastoral and Agricultural show, commenting that "The showgrounds... picturesque position, made an ideal setting, surrounded by hills clothed in green pastures, relieved with the golden colour of the capeweed flower" (CA 19/10/39, 03).
COLERAINE SHOWGROUNDS - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 3: Developing local, regional and national economies
3.5 Developing primary production
3.5.2 Breeding animals
3.5.3 Developing agricultural industries
Theme 5: Working
5.8 Working on the land
Theme 8: Developing Australia's cultural life
8.5 Forming associations
8.14 Living in country and rural settlements
Currently used as a Showground for the Annual P. & A. Society Coleraine Show
Meeting place for Glenelg Pony Club
Local junior football field
Meeting place for Coleraine P. & A Society.
Former display for Horticultural Society?
good degree of integrity to the Interwar/post WW2 period.
COLERAINE SHOWGROUNDS - Physical Description 2
Coleraine Pastoral and Agricultural Society
C.J Whyte, first owner of Koroite Pre-emptive right, on which the reserve now stands.
COLERAINE SHOWGROUNDS - Physical Description 3
Showground Reserve
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
COLERAINE RACECOURSESouthern Grampians Shire
AVENUE OF HONOURSouthern Grampians Shire
'CARINYA' LADSONS STOREVictorian Heritage Register H0568
1 Alexander StreetYarra City
1 Botherambo StreetYarra City