Scott Street (extension) CAVENDISH, Southern Grampians Shire

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Statement of Significance
The Old Cavendish Cemetery is located approximately 1.5.kilometreswest of the centre of Cavendish, on the banks of the Wannon River. There are a number of graves dating from 1850 to 1922, even though the cemetery was condemned in 1895. The boundary is defined by Monterey Pines (Pinus radiata) and two mature specimens of Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus). The cemetery is in good condition and retains an excellent degree of integrity.
How is it Significant?
The Old Cavendish Cemetery is of historical, social and architectural significance to the Southern Grampians Shire.
What is significant?
The New Cavendish Cemetery is of historical significance as an enduring record of those who have lived and died in the community, as a reflection of passing phases, ways of life and death, particular events, and as a source of documentary evidence. The cemetery has further historical significance for the burials of individuals and families who made important contributions to their community. The Cemetery is of social significance for reflecting the customs and tastes of the community, for reflecting different religious values, and for reflecting different economic and social status. It is also important as a place of homage and of passive recreation. The New Cavendish Cemetery is of architectural significance for its range of tombstones, memorials and iconography reflecting the aesthetics of different periods and groups within the community. It is also of interest for its overall design and position within the broader landscape.
CAVENDISH CEMETERY (OLD) - Physical Conditions
The condition of the cemetery grounds and graves is good.
CAVENDISH CEMETERY (OLD) - Physical Description 1
The Old Cavendish Cemetery is located on the banks of the Wannon River, approximately 1.5 kilometers west of the centre of the township of Cavendish. The site is approximately 0.7 hectares of sloping grassland with 32 above ground graves or headstones. There is a boundary planting of Monterey Pines (Pinus radiata), two mature Blue Gums (Eucalyptus globulus) . A typical cemetery planting, an Italian Cypress (Cupressus semprevirens 'Stricta') is planted on one of the graves, and a variety of different perennial plantings have escaped from individual graves sites to spread over the site. Some of these include Sweetpeas, Roses, Belladonna Lilly and Iris.
CAVENDISH CEMETERY (OLD) - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 9: Marking the phases of life
9.7 Dying
9.7.1 Dealing with human remains
9.7.3 Remembering the deadCAVENDISH CEMETERY (OLD) - Usage/Former Usage
Condemned cemetery - now used as passive recreation facility
Excellent degree of integrity
CAVENDISH CEMETERY (OLD) - Physical Description 3
Cemetery Reserve?
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
BIGGS PIPE ORGANVictorian Heritage Register H2404
ST LUKE'S LUTHERAN CHURCHSouthern Grampians Shire
LOCK-UP (FORMER)Southern Grampians Shire
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