8 Memorial Road GLENTHOMPSON, Southern Grampians Shire
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Statement of Significance
The former residence of George Thompson is located in the road reserve between the main carriage way of the Glenelg Highway and Memorial Drive in the centre of the township of Glenthompson. The small single storey symmetrical brick cottage is constructed from bricks manufactured at the nearby Brickworks and incorporate simple diamond shaped panels of slightly raised brickwork. The Brickwork's were started by George Thompson and his brother Joseph in 1901, and the cottage reflects the trade. There is no known architect associated with the design. The cottage is in good condition and retains a high degree of integrity.
How is it significant?
The George Taylor Residence is of historical significance to the southern Grampians shire and to the township of Glenthompson.
Why is it significant?
The George Taylor Residence is of historical significance as the home of George Taylor, one of the founders of the Glenthompson Brickworks and for being one of the earliest buildings constructed with bricks from the Brickworks.
The building is in good condition. [The interiors have not been inspected.]
GEORGE THOMPSON RESIDENCE - Physical Description 1
A small single storey symmetrical brick cottage. The walls are made from bricks manufactured at the nearby Brickworks and incorporate simple diamond shaped panels of slightly raised brickwork. There is a post supported verandah. The hipped roof is covered with corrugated iron. The plan of the house is conventional with rooms opening off a central passage.
GEORGE THOMPSON RESIDENCE - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 3: Developing local, regional and national economies
3.5 Developing primary production
3.13 Developing an Australian manufacturing capacity
Theme 8 Developing Australia's cultural life
8.12 Living in and around Australian homes
8.14 Living in the country and rural settlementsGEORGE THOMPSON RESIDENCE - Usage/Former Usage
High degree of integrity
GEORGE THOMPSON RESIDENCE - Physical Description 2
George Thompson, first owner and joint founder of the Glenthompson Brickworks.
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
WAR MEMORIALSouthern Grampians Shire
STATE SCHOOL NO. 947Southern Grampians Shire
'Mororo' 13 Oxford Street, MalvernStonnington City
1 Arnold StreetYarra City
1 Austin StreetYarra City