Mirranatwa School Road MIRRANATWA, Southern Grampians Shire
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Statement of Significance
The Mirranatwa public hall is a single storey building located on the south side of Mirranatwa School Road. The hall and the adjacent Uniting Church are the only surviving civic buildings in Mirranatwa. The original part of the structure was erected in 1904 as the Mirranatwa State School No 2529. The building has been much altered in subsequent years. The grounds of the hall contain recreation facilities which are the only facilities of their kind in the area. In front of the hall are two fine old specimens of Pinus nigra. The land has been used for ceremonial tree plantings to commemorate people considered important to the local community.
How is it significant?
The Mirranatwa public hall is of historical and social significance to the community of Mirranatwa and the Southern Grampians Shire.
Why is it significant?
The Mirranatwa public hall is of historical significance as the former State School No 2529, the provider of primary education to the residents of the area for about 70 years. The continuing use of the school as the area's public hall is socially significant, as one of only two remaining civic buildings, which has been the focus of community activities, sport, recreation and education for the relatively remote community of Mirranatwa for many decades.
PUBLIC HALL & STATE SCHOOL NO. 2529 (FORMER) - Physical Conditions
The condition of the hall is very good, as the building has been maintained regularly. However, the original external cladding has been completely replaced, and the entire structure has been extensively altered.
PUBLIC HALL & STATE SCHOOL NO. 2529 (FORMER) - Physical Description 1
The public hall and former school at Mirranatwa is a single storey timber framed building with corrugated iron roof. Much of the original external fabric has been replaced, including a new roof, several new windows, and the replacement of timber boards by fibro-cement boards. The 1904 structure of 30ftx15ft has been substantially extended and altered on at least 3 occasions, with additions at the front and rear, and on the west side. A sign above the entrance identifies the hall as the former Mirranatwa State School No. 2529.
The interior of what appears to be the original section reveals pine lining boards, ledge and brace double doors, a coved ceiling lined with plywood sheeting, and a hardwood floor. A stage has been added on the south end. Two memorial boards hang on the back wall of the stage.
The grounds of the public hall contain a modern barbeque shelter, toilets, and tennis courts. Two large specimens of Pinus nigra are located near the front of the land, and may date from the construction of the school in 1904. Two small trees are planted on the eastern boundary of the grounds, adjacent to the Uniting Church.A plaque is located in front of each tree. The first reads 'Planted in memory of A.G.I. Willard F. Garton.' The second tree's plaque reads, 'This tree was planted to commemorate the settlement of our forbears in the Mirranatwa/Victoria Valley district in 1871. McArthur family reunion, Easter, 1987.'There is another memorial tree located between the adjacent Uniting Church and the east side of the school commemorating early pioneering families. The plaque states "This tree was planted to commemorate the settlement of our forebears in the Mirranatwa/Victoria Valley district in 1871, McArthur Family Reunion Easter 1987".
PUBLIC HALL & STATE SCHOOL NO. 2529 (FORMER) - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 6: Educating
6.2 Establishing schools
6.5 Educating people in remote places
Theme 8: Developing Australia's cultural life
8.1 Organising recreation
8.1.1 Playing and watching organised sport
8.5 Forming associations
8.5.4 Pursuing common leisure interestsPUBLIC HALL & STATE SCHOOL NO. 2529 (FORMER) - Usage/Former Usage
Public hall
Good degree of integrity but altered and extended at sides and rear.
PUBLIC HALL & STATE SCHOOL NO. 2529 (FORMER) - Physical Description 3
Part Allotment 60, NW corner of Water Reserve
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
Grading: Local
UNITING CHURCH COMPLEXSouthern Grampians Shire
'Mororo' 13 Oxford Street, MalvernStonnington City
1 Arnold StreetYarra City
1 Austin StreetYarra City