MacGregors Road WANNON, Southern Grampians Shire

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Statement of Significance
The Mallengeeba Scout Hall, formerly known as Christ Church, is located in the centre of the former town of Wannon. The timber structure, built using panels of weatherboard, is unusual although well detailed. The roof made of asbestos cement shingles laid in a diaper pattern is also unusual. The ten diamond leadlight windows were donated, along with all of the timbers and interior fittings. The building was constructed as the local Anglican Church in 1911. It was converted to a Scout Hall in 1984 following the decline of the local congregation. Despite the loss of interior fittings, the condition of the former church is very good.
How is it significant?
Mallengeeba Scout Hall, the former Christ Church at Wannon, is of historical and architectural significance to the community of Wannon and the Southern Grampians Shire.
Why is it significant?
Mallengeeba Scout Hall is of historical significance for its fifty year history as the Christ Church Anglican Church at Wannon, during which it served as a religious and social centre for the local community. The historical significance of the former church is enhanced by its association with many prominent landholders and civic leaders, who were important benefactors. Its recent history as a regional scout and guide hall has significance for its role as a community and leisure centre.
The Mallengeeba Scout Hall, formerly Christ Church, Wannon, is of architectural significance as an unusual for of timber construction.
MALLENGEEBA SCOUT HALL - Physical Conditions
Good condition although now stripped of much of its religious detailing internally.
MALLENGEEBA SCOUT HALL - Physical Description 1
The former Christ Church at Wannon is a timber building designed in a simple Gothic Revival style. The timber framed structure, made from locally milled red gum, is clad with red gum weatherboards between piers and stained ox-blood red. The steeply pitched roof is covered with proprietary asbestos cement shingles, also stained red and laid in a diaper pattern. These were available only in the early twentieth century and are rarely found in the region. The windows are single lancets with plain diapered leadlight glazing part of which projects internally to provide ventilation. At the southern end of the nave there is a pair of smaller lancet windows. An entrance at the south-east corner has swinging doors with remnants of green baize lining. The other entrance is on the west elevation. The internal walls appear not to have been lined, since there are no nail holes on the studs. Lining boards survive above the rafters and purlins and below the shingles. There is board-and-batten cladding surviving at the northern end as a reminder of the former position of the altar which was removed to Holy Trinity Church, Coleraine along with many other fittings. The building survives with a compromised integrity but is structurally sound.
Also on the site there is a modern concrete block ablution building and prefabricated structures.MALLENGEEBA SCOUT HALL - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 8 Developing Australia's Cultural Life
8.5 Forming Associations
8.5.4 Pursuing common leisure interests
8.6 Worshipping
8.6.1 Worshipping together
8.6.2 Maintaining religious traditions and ceremonies
8.6.3 Founding Australian religious institutions
8.6.4 Making places for worshipMALLENGEEBA SCOUT HALL - Usage/Former Usage
Scout hall.
MALLENGEEBA SCOUT HALL - Physical Description 2
Rev C Hudson, vicar
Ramsden family, benefactors
Mercer family, benefactors
Winter Cooke family, benefactors
George Knapp, carpenterHeritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
ARRANMORESouthern Grampians Shire
PARK HILL (SECOND SITE)Southern Grampians Shire
WANNON RIVER AND VALLEYSouthern Grampians Shire
'NORWAY'Boroondara City
1 Mitchell StreetYarra City