340-350 Princes Highway OFFICER, Cardinia Shire
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Statement of Significance
Berwick Pottery (kiln, chimney, early clay sheds, office, hedge, palms) is significant to the Cardinia Shire as an early pottery site (one of only two surviving in the Shire for its role in the development of extractive and secondary industries in the district. It is an important district industrial site with remaining brick kilns and other structures associated with brick-making, pipe-making and pottery production from the post-First World War era. The site (with the Hicks pottery opposite) is the oldest secondary-industry site in the shire and has close links with the locally important Hicks family.
Regional Significance
BERWICK POTTERY - Physical Description 1
This complex consists of many corrugated-iron gabled clay sheds, some new some old, with a tall square-section strapped brick chimney at the north end which is adjacent to an early brick tunnel kiln inside the adjoining shed. This kiln is now used as a showroom and (with the chimney) is the most important element on the site.
A relatively new house from the 1950-60s is beside the complex, on the west, behind a mature cypress hedge with palms visible behind, and perhaps indicates an earlier garden setting for the previous house. There is also a small gabled tile-roof office, similar to the one on the north side of the highway, which may have been a display building for Wunderlich or similar products.
BERWICK POTTERY - Physical Conditions
The complex appears to date from a particular period, 1920s-30s, with added minor elements from recent times. The sheds are in both fair and good condition.
BERWICK POTTERY - Historical Australian Themes
4.3 Brick making
5.5 Other (blacksmiths, chain makers, rabbiters, water drilling)BERWICK POTTERY - Physical Description 2
Associations - Hicks, James
Heritage Study and Grading
Cardinia - Cardinia Shire Heritage Study 1996
Author: Graeme Butler & Associates
Year: 1996
Grading: Local
HEDGEVALE FARM COMPLEXVictorian Heritage Inventory
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