McBride Street COCKATOO, Cardinia Shire

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Statement of Significance
Cash & Co. and the former Cockatoo post office, which were owned in 1921 by James McBride, storekeeper, are of significance to the Cardinia Shire as an example of a shop, early post office and residence associated with the development of the Cockatoo township. The parapeted and verandahed timber shop and residence has significance as a nearly original commercial building at the start of a largely rebuilt commercial strip. It has historical significance for its associations with the McBrides, one of the best known district families.
Mrs Elizabeth McBride became a local legend for not only running the Post Office with her husband but boarding nine miners from the Nangana mine, as well as guests during the holiday season.
Regional Significance
CASH & CO. & FORMER COCKATOO POST OFFICE - Physical Description 1
This is a parapeted and verandahed weatherboard shop pair and presumed rear residence, with what appears to be an early shopfront on the southern shop. This shopfronts has a recessed entry set between two show windows raised on panelled plinths in the usual nineteenth-century or early twentieth-century manner. The northern shop has boarded walls and no show window; the nearby telephone box indicating its former use. The building appears to be the oldest commercial building in Cockatoo.
An early view of the building shows a gabled roof form (not the present parapet) with a street verandah bearing the words `Post Office' on the end boards. These boards have a scalloped profile.
(Extract from the Griffith Collection)CASH & CO. & FORMER COCKATOO POST OFFICE - Physical Conditions
The shop is externally near original except for possible alterations to the parapet and the front section adjoining the show windows. The street face of the former post office may have been changed and the verandah rebuilt.
CASH & CO. & FORMER COCKATOO POST OFFICE - Historical Australian Themes
8.1Timber townships
9.9 Banks and insurance offices
9.10 Post officesCASH & CO. & FORMER COCKATOO POST OFFICE - Physical Description 2
Associations - McBride, James (storekeeper); McBride, Mrs Elizabeth
Heritage Study and Grading
Cardinia - Cardinia Shire Heritage Study 1996
Author: Graeme Butler & Associates
Year: 1996
Grading: Local
FORMER COCKATOO KINDERGARTENVictorian Heritage Register H2303
Cockatoo CreekNational Trust
10 Down StreetYarra City