House, Stables
1A Linlithgow Rd TOORAK, Stonnington City
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Statement of Significance
The property is of regional significance for:
- the historical use as stables for the original mansion 'Eilyer'
- the historical and physical associations with the Shackell residence and the converted stables of Yar Orrong, both adjacent, the stables probably representing the last such structures surviving in juxtaposition in Toorak
- the picturesque Arts & Crafts influenced architectural character - a consequence of the design and massing of the original stable design as well as its conversion
- the mature oak trees, also apparently dating from the construction of Eilyer.
Physical elements that contribute to this significance are:
- slate gabled roof
- rough cast walls
- simple fenestration to upper floors
- mature oak trees
House, Stables - Physical Description 1
The building is an elongated building constructed along the north western fence line, mainly two storied with a .gabled slate roof. The roof is punctuated with chimneys with capping, and the gable ends are parapets. The building has a modest cottage scale resulting from the upper level being the former stable loft. There is a single storey wing at the south western (Albany Road) end. The walls and chimneys are rough cast, and the simple upper level windows are multi-paned neo-Georgian.
House, Stables - Integrity
Because of the evolutionary character of this property, consideration of integrity must be made after the analysis. There have only been two major additions since the 1920 alterations which provided the current significant external architectural character. One is the 1959 second storey addition at the north eastern extension, which was previously the single storey laundry. The other is the 1987 single storey semi-circular addition to the single storey Albany Road wing. Both additions are sympathetic to the original design.
The building retains many of the 1920 elements, other than the painted roughcast, some ground floor windows, the boundary fence along Albany Road and Linlithgow Road, as well as the carport at the south eastern comer on Linlithgow Road.
House, Stables - Local Historical Themes
4.3.2 Changing modes of transport - from horses to motor vehicles
8.3.1 Grand houses - servants and extended families
Heritage Study and Grading
Stonnington - City of Malvern Heritage Study
Author: Nigel Lewis and Richard Aitken P/L
Year: 1992
Grading: A2
ARMADALE PRIMARY SCHOOLVictorian Heritage Register H1640
ARMADALE HOUSEVictorian Heritage Register H0637
STONINGTONVictorian Heritage Register H1608
'Lawn House' (Former)Hobsons Bay City
1 Fairchild StreetYarra City
10 Richardson StreetYarra City