White Hills Cemetery
261-351 Holdsworth Road, WHITE HILLS VIC 3550 - Property No 172776

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Statement of Significance
White Hills Cemetery, set aside in 1860-70s? and continuously developed and still in use as a cemetery is of
regional significance:
*as a reserve for significant exotic species, particularly those listed on the National Trust Register of
Significant Trees;
*for its collection of trees and plants; these are typical of nineteenth century cemeteries in Victoria and
demonstrate strong associational links with their cemetery setting;
*for its collection of buildings and structures; these include representative examples of typical features such as
entrance gates, fencing, a rotunda and headstones;
*for its considerable aesthetic appeal derived from mature trees and shrubs, undulating site, sense of
enclosure and vistas both within the site, views out of the site and from the exterior into the site;
*for its strong historical and social links with the City of Bendigo, exemplified by its long continuity of use for
its original purpose, its links with early development of the town and its prominence within the life and
society of Bendigo.1.
1. AHC Criteria A3, A4, 62. C2. D2, El, G1
White Hills Cemetery - Physical Description 1
The roughly triangular, undulating site is bounded by Holdsworth Road, St Kilian Street and Plumridge Street and slopes from the high point on St Kilian Street down to lower land along Holdsworth Road.
The main entrance is from Holdsworth Road where an impressive set of gates are in poor repair. To the immediate interior are a pair of very large Ficus macrophylla and next to these a pair of Carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua). The wrought iron fence extends a short distance along the street.
A sinuous path system with individual loops is similar to the Back Creek Cemetery, whereby the paths determine the denommational boundaries of the cemetery. A central path bisects the site extending from an entrance at the corner of St Kilian Street and Holdsworth Road towards the north east corner almost but not quite intersecting the centre of Plumridge Street.
The mature planting is a dominant element of the site in particular the various pines such as Pinus halepensis, P. pinea and P. canariensis and Schinus molle var. areira. The only structure in the cemetery is an octagonal rotunda in very poor condition. This is located on the path system to the north west of the main entrance; again in a location not unlike the very similar rotunda at the Back Creek Cemetery. The grounds contain a significant section of Chinese burials and headstones.
Heritage Study and Grading
Greater Bendigo - Eaglehawk & Bendigo Heritage Study
Author: Graeme Butler & Associates
Year: 1993
Grading: B
WHITE HILLS CEMETERYVictorian Heritage Register H2136
LANGLEY HALLGreater Bendigo City
HILLSBRO HOUSEGreater Bendigo City