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Statement of Significance
How is it significant?
The Dartmoor Village Precinct is of historical, social and architectural significance to the Glenelg Shire.
Why is it significant?
The Dartmoor Village Precinct is of historic significance as a township dating from the mid 1840s, as one of the chain of small settlements between Portland and Penola and as the focus for the pastoral properties surrounding the township from the 1840s onward. It is of social significance as the focus for the community's education and recreation, roles that continue to the present. The architectural significance of the town lies in range of buildings constructed from local materials over a long period of time, ranging from the larger religious buildings through to the humble timber cottages which remain.
DARTMOOR VILLAGE PRECINCT - Physical Description 1
Dartmoor is a small village, located on the Glenelg River, originally on the route between Portland and Adelaide over the Glenelg River. The Princes Highway now bypasses the township, and perhaps as a consequence, the village atmosphere has been retained. Greenham Street and Wapling Avenue are the main thoroughfare for Dartmoor, part of the Portland - Adelaide route since the 1840s. They are essentially the same street divided in two by the railway line (Greenham Street to the west, Wapling Ave to the east). As with most villages, the commercial, civic and religious buildings are clustered along the main thoroughfare, but in this case, so are the significant residential buildings. The main street is dominated by large carved figures, which have been carved from the remaining stumps of the Cedrus atlantica (Atlantic Cedar) Avenue of Honour, planted to commemorate those who served and fell in World War One. The precinct is focussed around Greenham Street, which interestingly has only one church, St. George's Uniting Church, at 85 Greenham Street. Civic facilities of note include the Moderne Public Hall and Bowling Green and the Post Office (which is an earlier building with substantial alterations). There is a concrete road bridge over the Railway Line which appears to date from the interwar period, and the original Weighbridge in Greenham Street also. An intact two storey bluestone Coach House is located at 90 Greenham Street. This is one of the most significant buildings within the precinct. In addition, there are a number of contributory single storey timber dwellings located in Greenham Street, Ascot Street, Lindsay Road.
The following elements contribute to the significance of the precinct:
Timber Cottage, 54 Ascot Street, Dartmoor
. Timber House, 69 Greenham Street, Dartmoor
. Former school residence, 70 Greenham St, Dartmoor
. Public Hall and bowling green, 73 Greenham Street, Dartmoor
. Timber House, 3 Lindsay Road, Dartmoor
. Post Office and Residence , 84 Greenham Street, Dartmoor
. Araucaria heterophylla (Norfolk Island Pine), road reserve in front of 6 Short Street, Dartmoor
. Hughes Store (former), 6 Short Street, Dartmoor
Road bridge over the Railway Line, Greenham Street, Dartmoor
Weighbridge, Greenham Street, Dartmoor
. Avenue of Honour and Carvings
. Dartmoor State School, 76 Greenham Street, Dartmoor
. St. George Uniting Church, 82 Greenham Street, Dartmoor
. Coach House, 90 Greenham Street, Dartmoor
DARTMOOR VILLAGE PRECINCT - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 2 Peopling Australia
Theme 3: Developing local, regional and national economies
3.5 Developing primary production
3.5.1 Grazing stock
3.5.2 Breeding animals
3.5.3 Developing agricultural industries
Theme 5: Working
5.8 Working on the land
Theme 6 Educating
6.2 Establishing schools
6.5 Educating people in remote places
Theme 8 Developing Australia's cultural life
8.12 Living in and around Australian homes
8.14 Living in the country and rural settlementsHeritage Study and Grading
Glenelg - Glenelg Shire Heritage Study Part One
Author: Carlotta Kellaway, David Rhodes Mandy Jean
Year: 2002
Grading:Glenelg - Glenelg Heritage Study Stage Two (a)
Author: Heritage Matters
Year: 2006
Grading: Local
Glenelg River BridgeNational Trust
Dartmoor Avenue of HonourVic. War Heritage Inventory
3 Sherwood StreetYarra City
Archaeological siteSouthern Grampians Shire