44 NICHOLSON STREET,, COBURG VIC 3058 - Property No 99316

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Statement of Significance
The former Akins Auto Service at 44 Nicholson Street, Coburg East.
How is it significant?
The former Akins Auto Service at 44 Nicholson Street, Coburg East is of local historic and aesthetic significance to the City of Moreland.
Why is it significant?
Of historic significance as a substantially intact, purpose-built, inter-war motor garage, that dates from the period when automobile ownership and recreational car touring were increasing. (AHC Criteria D2)
Of aesthetic significance, as a good example of an inter-war suburban garage, with Art Deco-inspired details. (AHC Criteria E1)
AKINS AUTO SERVICE (FORMER) - Physical Description 1
Akins Auto Service at 44 Nicholson Street is a typical interwar single storey garage built directly in front (connected to?) a painted weatherboard bungalow with a terracotta tile roof and a red brick chimney.
The petrol station/garage is a painted concrete rendered building with a Art Deco-influenced staggered parapet with projecting and recessed bays which run the height of the building. It has a gabled corrugated galvanised steel roof. The garage is small but is designed to appear monolithic. The garage has a number of Deco inspired motifs on the front facade. There is a small central door flanked by large windows which have been painted over. The building turns the cornmer into an alley way and presents a larger door on the corner elevation. The building retains an early paint scheme (light blue with darker blue lettering) which advertises the garage (Akins Auto Service) and the printing press (Elaray Press).AKINS AUTO SERVICE (FORMER) - Physical Conditions
Minor Modifications
Heritage Study and Grading
Moreland - Moreland City Council: Local Heritage Places Review
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2004
Grading: Local
THE GRANGEVictorian Heritage Register H1297
EARLY HOUSE, THORNBURYVictorian Heritage Inventory
Donald StreetMerri-bek City