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Cement Works at Fossil Beach
Fossil Beach,, MOUNT MARTHA VIC 3934 - Property No B3420
Cement Works at Fossil Beach
Fossil Beach,, MOUNT MARTHA VIC 3934 - Property No B3420
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Statement of Significance
The Cement Works at Fossil Beach were constructed in 1862 by James M Robertson, architect and surveyor, who obtained a patent for a process to crush nodules of marble or Septaria, found in the local limestone (argillaceous limestone), mix it with lime and silica to produce an artificial hydraulic lime. The company was called the Patent Septaria Cement Co. It began production in 1862 and ceased operation in 1863. It was not a success since the supply of septaria was limited and the process expensive as it involved 2 kiln operations and mechanical grinding. The remains of two kilns, a washing table, wash mill, numerous channels and building remains and traces of the loading jetty were uncovered by excavation by W Culican and J Taylor in 1967-9, a detailed description of which is found in their publication (Culican & Taylor 1972). The site has been drastically altered since then by the construction of a toilet block in the area of the washing mill and settling tanks. The lesser kiln site (Area H) is quite overgrown, but the walls can still be traced under the vegetation. The larger kiln, the most prominent feature on the site, is decaying rapidly.
Classified: 16/08/1973
Classified: 16/08/1973
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