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Camp Hotel
38 Sturt Street,, BALLARAT CENTRAL VIC 3350 - Property No B4503
Camp Hotel
38 Sturt Street,, BALLARAT CENTRAL VIC 3350 - Property No B4503
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B4503 Camp Hotel

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Statement of Significance
This two-level hotel, designed in 1907 by the Ballarat Architect, P SRichards , is one of the few English Free Style buildings in Ballarat, astyle which was then gaining populartiy in Victoria from the work ofarchitects such as Robert Haddon.
Richards designed this building for the estate of a Mr Cowan; using inhis elevation composition an almost whimsical disposition of designmotifs. In a similar manner to Eastbourne House, East Melbourne (1901),two pylon elements frame a facade where art nouveau influenced stuccoonion plants rise to the parapet from pots created from the extendedvoussoirs of the upper level windows.
Distinctive wrought iron lamp brackets have been drawn from the stuccoornament to form sinuous silhouettes above each pylon parapet. Betweenthe pylons an arched, tiled entablature becomes the crown over a witty "two eyes and a nose" composition, formed from leaded oculiand a centrally placed window. Banded red face brickwork once formed acontrasting background for this stucco decoration; however, this hasbeen painted.
Green glazed tiling clads the ground level of the building and the shopfront and openings have retained their original dispositions. A postverandah has been removed and illuminated signs added to the facade.
Classified: 03/09/1981
Richards designed this building for the estate of a Mr Cowan; using inhis elevation composition an almost whimsical disposition of designmotifs. In a similar manner to Eastbourne House, East Melbourne (1901),two pylon elements frame a facade where art nouveau influenced stuccoonion plants rise to the parapet from pots created from the extendedvoussoirs of the upper level windows.
Distinctive wrought iron lamp brackets have been drawn from the stuccoornament to form sinuous silhouettes above each pylon parapet. Betweenthe pylons an arched, tiled entablature becomes the crown over a witty "two eyes and a nose" composition, formed from leaded oculiand a centrally placed window. Banded red face brickwork once formed acontrasting background for this stucco decoration; however, this hasbeen painted.
Green glazed tiling clads the ground level of the building and the shopfront and openings have retained their original dispositions. A postverandah has been removed and illuminated signs added to the facade.
Classified: 03/09/1981
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SYNAGOGUEVictorian Heritage Register H0106
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