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Beechworth Cemetery
Cemetery Road, BEECHWORTH VIC 3747 - Property No G13062
Beechworth Cemetery
Cemetery Road, BEECHWORTH VIC 3747 - Property No G13062
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Statement of Significance
Beechworth Cemetery, set aside in 1854, enlarged and landscaped during the nineteenth century, and still in use as a cemetery, is of State significance:
- as an early example in Victoria of a cemetery influenced by Romantic and Picturesque ideals which gained worldwide popularity in the early to mid nineteenth century; this is exemplified by its layout and design with curved gravel paths enclosing denominational compartments, carefully placed plantings and focal architectural features;
- for its collection of trees and plants; these are typical of nineteenth century cemeteries in Victoria, demonstrate strong associational links with their cemetery setting, include a rare collection of indigenous plants (including grasses) within an urban setting and include several outstanding individual trees;
- for its strong link with the Chinese community demonstrated by the large number of burials (many still marked by headstones) and the Chinese burning towers;
- for its collection of buildings and structures; these include representative examples of typical features such as entrance gates, fencing, rotunda and headstones as well as highly distinctive and unusual features such as the fountain and Chinese burning towers;
- for its considerable aesthetic appeal derived from mature trees and shrubs, the large number of flowering plants (especially bulbs), undulating site, strong architectural elements, sense of enclosure , and vistas (within the site, looking beyond the boundary and views into the site).
- for its strong historical and social links with the township of Beechworth; exemplified by its early date of development, its long continuity of use for its original purpose, its links with early government surveys and urban development of the town, and its prominent part in Beechworth life and society.
- as an early example in Victoria of a cemetery influenced by Romantic and Picturesque ideals which gained worldwide popularity in the early to mid nineteenth century; this is exemplified by its layout and design with curved gravel paths enclosing denominational compartments, carefully placed plantings and focal architectural features;
- for its collection of trees and plants; these are typical of nineteenth century cemeteries in Victoria, demonstrate strong associational links with their cemetery setting, include a rare collection of indigenous plants (including grasses) within an urban setting and include several outstanding individual trees;
- for its strong link with the Chinese community demonstrated by the large number of burials (many still marked by headstones) and the Chinese burning towers;
- for its collection of buildings and structures; these include representative examples of typical features such as entrance gates, fencing, rotunda and headstones as well as highly distinctive and unusual features such as the fountain and Chinese burning towers;
- for its considerable aesthetic appeal derived from mature trees and shrubs, the large number of flowering plants (especially bulbs), undulating site, strong architectural elements, sense of enclosure , and vistas (within the site, looking beyond the boundary and views into the site).
- for its strong historical and social links with the township of Beechworth; exemplified by its early date of development, its long continuity of use for its original purpose, its links with early government surveys and urban development of the town, and its prominent part in Beechworth life and society.
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