Corymbia ficifolia
Cheltenham Park, Park Road, CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 - Property No T11954
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Statement of Significance
Contribution to historic park
Outstanding size
A fine specimen tree, Corymbia ficifolia is native to a very small area of south west coast of Western Australia (measured in just tens of kilometres), but is not considered under threat in the wild. The species is unusual in that it mainly grows only in spring, which means that the flower heads (which blossom in late summer) are outside the bulk of the foliage and very visible.
Tree surgery has been carried out in the past and the extensive canopy has been cabled
Measurements: 02/1983
Spread (m): 18.5
Girth (m): 3.4
Height (m): 19
Estimated Age (yrs): 100+
Condition: Good
Access: Unrestricted
Classified: 17/02/1983.
272-274 CHARMAN ROADVictorian Heritage Inventory
Cheltenham Railway Station CrossingNational Trust
StokeaveleyNational Trust