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Statement of Significance
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Heritage Inventory History of Site: The Crown Company was one of the main companies - along with Imperial, Cornish, Lerderderg, and William Brothers - to work Simmons Reef during the 1860s. The Crown Company's battery, like all others erected on the reef during this time, was powered by waterwheel.SiteCard data copied on 09/07/2024:The Crown Company was one of the main companies - along with Imperial, Cornish, Lerderderg, and William Brothers - to work Simmons Reef during the 1860s. The Crown Company's battery, like all others erected on the reef during this time, was powered by waterwheel. Ore was conveyed from the open cut through a haulage tunnel to the battery which was located on a Back Creek. The battery site has never been located. When recorded the site was described as a large open cut/stope containing partly filled shafts and adit. At the southern end of the open cut was a open haulage adit. The crushing battery would have been located further south on Back Creek.CROWN COMPANY - Interpretation of Site
Nineteenth century quartz mining that produced a large open cut. The open cut has several tunnels. The ore was taken elsewhere to crush. There is no mining machinery remains on the site.
Heritage Inventory Description
CROWN COMPANY - Heritage Inventory Description
Open cut/stope - large partly filled excavation with several adits.Battery site - Haulage adit leads to battery site on Back Creek.
Heritage Inventory Significance: The site has:Scientific significance - because of the well preserved glory hole (open cut/stope). Social value - major feature of an interpretive trail linked to the Garden of St Erith.Natural values - undisturbed and revegetating mining landscape.
Recorded by: David Bannear
Heritage Inventory Site Features: - open cut/stope- battery site
SiteCard data copied on 09/07/2024: The site is very overgrown and steep. Its extent and shape is correct. The site still retains the features – a large open cut and at least two adits and the haulage tunnel - recorded in 1994. The haulage adit remains open. The open cut is very overgrown.
POVEY'S GRAVEVictorian Heritage Inventory
SIMMONS REEFVictorian Heritage Inventory