Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion, 1903 Donald-Avon Plains Road, AVON PLAINS
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Statement of Significance
The Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion, 1903 Donald-Avon Plains Road, Avon Plains, is a reasonably intact memorial interwar structure built in 1918 by a local committee to commemorate the local servicemen who fought in World War One.
The Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion is architecturally significant at a LOCAL level. It demonstrates original design qualities of a rudimentary interwar style. These qualities include the octagonal form, single storey height, horizontal weatherboard wall cladding, galvanised corrugated iron roof cladding and finial. Other intact qualities include the moderate eaves, bank of timber window frames, doorway and timber door.
The Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion is historically and socially significant at a LOCAL level. It is associated with the commemoration of servicemen of the First World War, having been constructed by a local committee in 1918. The pavilion is also recognised and valued by the Avon Plains community for these commemorative reasons.
Overall, the Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion is of LOCAL significance
Due to white ant damage the pavilion was demolished c2012 and it is not known what happened to the contents. (added W. Jacobs 6 March 2015)
Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion, 1903 Donald-Avon Plains Road, AVON PLAINS - Physical Description 1
The Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion, 1903 Donald-Avon Plains Road, Avon Plains, has a rural setting amongst gum trees and native grasses.
The single storey, octagonal, horizontal weatherboard, rudimentary interwar styled Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion is characterised by a pyramidal roof form clad in galvanised corrugated iron (painted red) surmounted by a finial. Moderate overhangs are a feature of the eaves, while square galvanised iron gutters appear to have been introduced in recent years. The bank of timber window frames are early, although the glazing is missing. The doorway and timber door are also early.
Heritage Study and Grading
Northern Grampians - Shire of Northern Grampians - Stage 2 Heritage Study
Author: Wendy Jacobs, Vicki Johnson, David Rowe, Phil Taylor
Year: 2004
War Memorial Pavilion - State School GroundsNational Trust
Avon Plains Memorial Pavilion, 1903 Donald-Avon Plains Road, AVON PLAINSNorthern Grampians Shire
Avon Plains Memorial PavilionVic. War Heritage Inventory