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Statement of Significance
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Heritage Inventory History of Site: the Toombullup Mill was established in 1916, shortly after the opening of the Tatong Railway. The mill settlement catered for more than 30 employees and their families. Inferior quality forest resources, however and distance from markets resulted in frequent financial losses, forcing the closure of the mill in 1929, and its shifting to a new site on Kelly Creek.
TOOMBULLUP MILL - Interpretation of Site
Heritage Inventory Interpretation: The sawmill was established 24 km from the rail terminus at Tatong. Logs were brought to the mill be horse-worked tramways and steam traction engines. Poor quality roads in the district forced the stockpiling of logs in the summer months to maintain a supply for winter cutting.
Heritage Inventory Description
TOOMBULLUP MILL - Heritage Inventory Description
Overgrown remains of bush sawmill, 19 km east of Mansfield.
Heritage Inventory Significance: Regional; The Toombullup mill was relatively long lived (1916-1928), an important community centre and associated with significant sawmilling families in north east Victoria.
Heritage Inventory Site Features: The site boundary extends in a 200 metre radius around the remains of the mill shed. Extant fabric includes a prominent sawdust heap and mill shed earthworks, upright and bed logs. Sawdust heap, mill shed, earthworks, uprights & bed logs.
STRINGYBARK CREEK SITEVictorian Heritage Register H2205
TOOMBULLUP MILLVictorian Heritage Inventory