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Statement of Significance
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The kiln, constructed around 1869, is located in allotment 71 in the all Saints Estate and was used for the construction of the first buildings at All Saints Winery. The estate was originally established in 1864 by George Sutherland Smith and John Banks, has since then been a winery (Brian Lloyd and John Kennedy 2007: 155). The estate was purchased by the Brown Brothers of Milawa in 1993 and in 2005 the Indigo Cheese Co, begins to operate in the estate (Brian Lloyd and John Kennedy 2007: 156). The kiln is one of a number of historical features at the winery, which includes Chinese workers camps (late 19th century).
The land around the kiln has been recently re-vegetated and is surrounded by new gums. The root system of the older trees has however enveloped some of the artefact scatter.
'The castle' building was constructed in 1880 and may post-date the use of the kiln.
There is little information concerning the kiln and it is located in an area of the estate that is now disused. It is likely the kiln was abandoned rather than demolished, and it is in an area of the estate set aside for revegetation. It is not known when the kiln ceased operation, but it is likely it was used specifically for construction of the estate; as noted on the original inventory, it is likely that these bricks were made c. 1869 for use in the construction of the first buildings at All Saints Winery.
A mud brick hut was on the site of 'the castle', but was demolished for the new building. It is possible that the mud brick hut used the bricks from the kiln, but no evidence was identified to confirm this.
ALL SAINTS BRICK KILN - Interpretation of Site
The interpretation for the site is consistent with that on the original inventory. This site comprises a pit and kiln, with associated brick scatter. Both are likely to date to the late 1860s and the construction of the Winery. The location is close to the Murray River.
ALL SAINTS BRICK KILN - Archaeological Significance
The site is of local archaeological significance, in an area where such pits are common. However, it is one of the larger kiln sites and associated with the development of an important wine establishment. The site has the potential to have features related to brick kiln construction and have comparative potential for regional kiln construction. In addition, there is potential for other buildings and occupation deposits.
ALL SAINTS BRICK KILN - Historical Significance
The site is historically of state significance as being part of the All Saints Winery Complex.
Heritage Inventory Description
ALL SAINTS BRICK KILN - Heritage Inventory Description
Located within 10m of a timber fenceline (N-S) and is identifiable by several dead tree trunks and one mature live tree (all other trees are immature), raised ground and brick dust, and some bricks. The site comprises several clay pits and associated brick scatter outlining the kiln site. Some of the bricks appear in situ i.e. they are stacked in linear piles. Current inspection showed that the scatter is more extensive than the previously recorded 5 x 5m area and extends as far as the pits. The outline of the pit is delineated by cleared stumps. It is difficult to define extent because of grass cover.
Clay pits and brick scatter outlining kiln site. Bricks were being made on the All Saints property c. 1869 for use in the first buildings at the winery. The brick scatter is confined to a 5 x5 m area, the perimeter of which is delineated by cleared tree stumps. The clay pits lie about 15m NW of the kiln site.
Heritage Inventory Significance: State - as part of All Saints Winery complex
Recorded by: J. Harrington Date Recorded: 24OCT1994
ALL SAINTS WINERYVictorian Heritage Register H0333
ALL SAINTS BRICK KILNVictorian Heritage Inventory
All Saints WineryNational Trust H0333