13 Flinders Street, Queenscliff

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Statement of Significance
Statement of Significance as recorded under the Queenscliff Heritage Study 2009
No 13 Flinders Street is of historical significance to the Borough of Queenscliffe as a relatively intact and representative example of a modest dwelling of the late nineteenth century in Queenscliffe.
13 Flinders Street, Queenscliff - Physical Description 1
The house is double-fronted, clad with weatherboards and fronted with a hipped bullnose roof verandah. The main roof is an M-hip and like the verandah is of corrugated iron. Fretted timber brackets decorate the capitals of the turned verandah posts but otherwise the house is relatively plain. The original picket fence and gate remain as does the ogeeprofiie spouting. What is probably a mirror plant (coprosmane repens) hedge has overgrown its intended shape.
13 Flinders Street, Queenscliff - Intactness
13 Flinders Street, Queenscliff - Physical Description 2
Extract from the 2009 study
No. 13 Flinders Street is a single-storey, double-fronted late Victorian weatherboard house with a hipped roof clad in corrugated galvanised steel. A verandah with turned timber posts and a hipped bullnose roof extends across the street-facing elevation. The central door is flanked by double-hung sash windows. There is a rendered brick chimney with a classically-inspired moulding at its top.
The house is set back from Flinders Street within a mature garden, including a large peppercorn tree, which extends along the east of the house.
Heritage Study and Grading
Queenscliffe - Queenscliffe Urban Conservation Study
Author: Allom Lovell & Associates P/L, Architects
Year: 1982
Grading:Queenscliffe - Queenscliffe Heritage Study
Author: Lovell Chen
Year: 2009
LATHAMSTOWEVictorian Heritage Register H1052
PILOTS COTTAGESVictorian Heritage Register H1618
ROSENFELDVictorian Heritage Register H1134
162 Nicholson StreetYarra City
164 Nicholson StreetYarra City
182 Nicholson StreetYarra City