Former St. Georges Church of England Parsonage, 13 Mercer Street, Queenscliff
St. Georges Church Precinct

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Statement of Significance
Statement of Significance as recorded under the Queenscliff Heritage Study 2009
The former parsonage is of historical and architectural significance to the Borough of Queenscliffe. It is of historical significance as the original parsonage for the Church of England in Queenscliff, constructed in the 1860s to accommodate the first resident clergyman. It remains significant for its association with the Church of England, which ran for 100 years, and with Rev. Henry Wilkinson who resided there for 36 years. Although in private use, it relates historically and functionally to the adjacent Church and Church Hall, which were all part of the original church reserve. Architecturally, although altered, the former parsonage is a good example of a substantial Victorian parsonage, which retains its original well-proportioned form, some Tudor-derived detailing and picturesque appearance, including the steeply pitched roofscape. The building style was commonly used for parsonages of the period, but few of these have survived. The parsonage and church complex also occupy a prominent position overlooking Queenscliff township.
Former St. Georges Church of England Parsonage, 13 Mercer Street, Queenscliff - Physical Description 1
Extract from the 1982 study
The building is of two levels and a half basement. It has been constructed of brick, with rubble stone foundations. Tudor derived style has been used with rectangular windows and label moulds, an asymmetrical plan and the resultant diverse roof shapes which, like the church and the school, are prominent. A timber verandah, with vertical timber balusters, faces east and returns on the south side. Of note is a gabled wash house which is sited to the north of the parsonage.
Former St. Georges Church of England Parsonage, 13 Mercer Street, Queenscliff - Physical Description 2
The balustrading has been replaced, extra windows placed in the north and west facades, the south wall rendered, a skillion added at ground level on the west, a chimney truncated and the brick work painted. Internally some mantels have been replaced, kitchen added at ground level and a bathroom was placed under the stairs blocking the stair to the former basement-kitchen and maids room. The latter work was carried out by architect Owen Cazaly(3) after the turn of the century.
Former St. Georges Church of England Parsonage, 13 Mercer Street, Queenscliff - Physical Description 3
Extract from the 2009 study
The former parsonage is a two-storey over-painted brick building with a rubble foundation and a basement to the rear (east) side, which once formed the servant's quarters. A Tudor-derived style has been used with rectangular windows and label moulds, an asymmetrical plan and the resultant diverse roof shapes with steep pitches and prominent gables similar to those of the church and school. The roof is slate clad with several prominent painted brick chimneys with stone cornices.
A timber verandah with vertical timber balusters (a later replacement), faces east and returns on the south side. Of note is a gable roofed wash house, attached to the north elevation of the parsonage, which also has label moulds over the windows. The skillion addition at ground floor level on the front (west) elevation has been altered with new doors and additional windows being inserted.
The property is much altered with windows having been modified on the north and west facades, the south wall rendered, a chimney truncated and the brick work painted. Internally architect Owen Cazaly undertook work in the early twentieth century,[i] including adding a kitchen at ground level and a bathroom iunder the stairs blocking the stair to the former basement-kitchen and maid's room.
The Church complex occupies a prominent position overlooking Queenscliff township.
It is not part of the Victorian Heritage Register listing for the associated Church and the Parish Hall.
[i] (i) QS 8.10.1887;
(ii) Pamphlet Op Cit;
(iii) National Trust file no. 3456. Mention in vestry minutes of Purchas in 1887.
Former St. Georges Church of England Parsonage, 13 Mercer Street, Queenscliff - Intactness
Heritage Study and Grading
Queenscliffe - Queenscliffe Urban Conservation Study
Author: Allom Lovell & Associates P/L, Architects
Year: 1982
Grading:Queenscliffe - Queenscliffe Heritage Study
Author: Lovell Chen
Year: 2009
LATHAMSTOWEVictorian Heritage Register H1052
PILOTS COTTAGESVictorian Heritage Register H1618
ROSENFELDVictorian Heritage Register H1134
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