Murchison Internment Camp 13 Cottage
Stewart Road and Chinamans Hill Road MURCHISON, Greater Shepparton City

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Statement of Significance
Apart from the Myrtle ford Camp 5, Rodney and Waranga Shires possessed the only internment and prisoner-of-war camp sites in Victoria: as such these camp sites are of potential State significance as sole representatives of this little publicized aspect of Home Front activity during World War Two. Rodney Shire, in contrast to Waranga, has more tangible internment sites (Tatura Camp 1, Murchison Camp 13), where gateways and some structure remnants survive, the gateways being expressive of the interned nationalities in each camp. One of the camp huts also survives, in good repair, close to the Murchison northern town boundary. Nevertheless, given Waranga Shire's dearth of obvious sites, it is clear that high local importance falls upon the market garden and associated hut, as well as State-wide interest.
Murchison Internment Camp 13 Cottage - Physical Description 1
Open pasture (garden) with nearby gabled corrugated iron and cement sheet (?) clad hut, reputedly used for the Murchison Camp garden caretaker's cottage.
Veterans Description for Public
Murchison Internment Camp 13 Cottage - Veterans Description for Public
The former Murchison Internment Camp 13 site, on Stewart and Chinamans Hill Roads, features a garden and keeper's cottage that date from the Second World War. The garden has now become an open pasture. The cottage consists of corrugated iron and cement sheets and was used by the caretaker of the Murchison Camp garden.
Heritage Study and Grading
Campaspe - Waranga Conservation Study
Author: Graeme Butler Architect
Year: 1988
Murchison Internment Camp 13 CottageVic. War Heritage Inventory
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