Yandoit War Memorial
Yandoit-Clydesdale Road YANDOIT, HEPBURN SHIRE
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Statement of Significance
The Clydesdale memorial to those who served in World War 1 and World War 2 serves as a focus for community remembrance of the two wars and the contribution made by soldiers from the Clydesdale district. Its erection expresses the desire by local residents to commemorate an event that had a great effect on their community as well as the rest of Australia. The memorial also contributes to the social history of Clydesdale. Its isolated setting, adjacent to the former school, adds to its poignancy.
Yandoit War Memorial - Historical Australian Themes
Settling in Towns
Yandoit War Memorial - Physical Description 1
The memorial is constructed of Harcourt Granite. The granite has been roughly hewn for the flat slab and base. Dressed smooth granite blocks contain the inscriptions and are topped by a granite pillar. The barrier around the memorial is constructed of rough dressed square granite comer posts with metal pipe railing. There are two separate inscriptions on the memorial, one dedicated to those who fought in the Great War, and one for those who fought in the World War II. These inscriptions are on different sides ofthe memorial and both contain a list of fifteen names under the dedication. There is a third inscription commemorating the memorial being re-dedicated by Mr BruceRuxton in 1991. The memorial is located a short distance from the front of the former Clydesdale School.
Veterans Description for Public
Yandoit War Memorial - Veterans Description for Public
The Yandoit War Memorial, on the Yandoit-Clydesdale Road, commemorates those local men who served in the First and Second World Wars. Recently restored, itcomprises oflocal granite, roughly hewn for the flat slab and base. Dressed smooth granite blocks contain the inscriptions and are topped by a granite pillar. The barrier around the memorial is constructed of rough dressed square granite comer posts with metal pipe railing. There are two separate inscriptions on the memorial, one dedicated to those who fought in the First World War, and one for those who fought in the Second World War, listing atotal of fifteen. There is a third inscription commemorating the rededication by Mr Bruce Ruxton the President of the R.S.L. on 21st July 1991.The isolated setting ofthe memorial, adjacent to the former school, adds to its poignancy.
Heritage Study and Grading
Hepburn - Daylesford and Glenlyon Conservation Study Part 2
Author: Wendy Jacobs
Year: 2000
Grading: Local
BBP 22 - MULLOCK HEAP, YANDOITVictorian Heritage Inventory
ANTONIO PAVICH SITEVictorian Heritage Inventory
YANDOIT CREEK DIGGINGSVictorian Heritage Inventory
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