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Statement of Significance
The island has national and state heritage value in demonstrating patterns of agricultural land use and pioneering settlement of an island system. The islands were embroiled in debates during Victoria's land settlement schemes of the 1860's, as the public demanded more land be released from Crown possission. The two larger Islands of French and Phillip were subdivided and sold off. Sandstone Island was leased in 1845 forming part of a larger mainland cattle run. The island provided an excellent environment to isolate choice breeding cattle. In 1854, John Rogers built a substantial house, garden, orchard and shrubbery, cleared timber, and introduced various exotics such as pheasants and rabbits, possibly with intent to farm commercially. Wheat and potato crops were planted, controversially as Government restricted the islands usage to running stock. The Crown relinquished the Island in 1866, to John Skinner and family probably occupying Rogers house. After 1868 the Island became the home for the Heard family, who were fish-mongers and ran cattle. They built a French style timber house that was demolished in 1912 when the Island was sold back to the Commonwealth for use as an explosives store. The next 80 years saw mainly agricultural use with only a handful of owners, including BHP. An environmental backlash in the 70's which focused on BHP's proposed developments on nearby French Island, caused BHP to drop it's plans to develop Sandstone Island. It has remained a quiet private farming and recreation island ever since but that may change.
Heritage Inventory Description
SANDSTONE ISLAND - Heritage Inventory Description
Small rural island (22ha). Mostly cleared with some old Moonahs (Melaluca Lancelota), and introduced plants. One modern holiday home exists. The island contains potential archaeological evidence for several 19 century dwellings now demolished.
Fieldwork is yet to be done. The Island is privately owned and thus far all information has been gathered from documentary sources
SANDSTONE ISLANDVictorian Heritage Inventory