698 ORRONG ROAD, TOORAK VIC 3142 - Property No 22050

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
Silverton, 698 Orrong Road, Toorak designed by Dunstan Reynolds & Partners and constructed under the supervision of the owner W.T. Hampton in 1927, are significant. The significant attributes are the Spanish Mission style form, materials and detailing of the flats including the porte cochere, central driveway, four original garages, and surviving parts of the c.1920s front fence. The high external intactness of the flats and their layout is integral to the significance of the place.
Later alterations and additions are not significant.
How is it significant?
Silverton is of local historic and architectural significance to the City of Stonnington.
Why is it significant?
Historically, Silverton is one of the oldest flat developments constructed in proximity to Toorak Road and illustrates the beginnings of the more intensive development after 1927 that was encouraged by the opening of the electric tramway along Toorak Road and its extension to Glenferrie Road. (Criterion A)
Architecturally, as an example of inter-war flats which use the device of the porte-cochere across a central driveway to link the wings. The prominent placement of the garages terminating the vista at the end of the driveway illustrates the increasing importance placed upon the provision of car parking in flat developments by the late 1920s. While some other examples of this type exist in Stonnington this example is notable for its high degree of intactness, which includes the retention of the original garages. Also for its many fine details, particularly the arched 'sunburst' windows and shutters to the facade, the entry arcades, and the finishes in the entries. (Criteria D & E)
SILVERTON FLATS - Physical Description 1
Silverton, 698 Orrong Road, Toorak, is a pair of two-storey flats joined by a central porte-cochere. The two buildings have a minimal setback from the street, and retain part central gate posts which double as mailboxes with cast-concrete urns on top.
The two buildings are identical. Each has a hip roof with Marseille tiles, and two bays of windows to the street front, while the entrances are tucked back into the site, beneath the port-cochere. There are a number of features drawn from the Spanish Mission style, combined with classical ones, lending a cooler, more delicate character, and showing allegiance to the Mediterranean Revival style.
Spanish Mission elements include the tooled stucco walls (with smooth stucco aprons to the windows), and louvered window shutters on the facades. The ground floor windows are of notes, with arched heads and a sunburst pattern of lights to the upper sash. The shutters to these windows are also arches, with a solid panel at the top with a leaf cut-out. All other windows are six-over-one double-hung sashes.
On the elevations facing the central driveway, the windows have pilaster 'capitals' extending upwards from the side rails. This detail is most commonly seen in Arts & Crafts buildings. The porte-cochere, which provides a bridge between the first floors of the two blocks, has applied Adamesque swags on its face below a dentilated cornice. Ground floor entrances to the stairs are via columns arcades with paired columns (similar to Doric). At the first floor level, the paired Doric columns support a trabeated (beamed) opening. The entry floors and steps are terrazzo, and the stairs have wrought-iron balustrades. The doors to individual flats have fanlights with a sunburst leadlight pattern. The doors have small, highset windows, typical of the Spanish Mission style.
At the rear is an original block of garages, visible when viewed through the port-cochere. It has the same wall and roof cladding as the building. The garage doors have been replaced.
The stucco to the external walls of the flats may have been redone, as it is not as neat as is typical.
Heritage Study and Grading
Stonnington - Residential Flats in Stonnington - Heritage Citations Project
Author: Context P/L
Year: 2013
Grading: A2
TINTERNVictorian Heritage Register H0208
CLENDON LODGEVictorian Heritage Register H0561
ILLAWARRAVictorian Heritage Register H0701
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