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Statement of Significance
The Point Lonsdale Maritime and Defence Precinct including all buildings, structures, objects, ruins and archaeological features and deposits related to the location's strategic role in both defence and maritime navigation and rescue. Buckley's Cave is also significant for its association with William Buckley.
The Point Lonsdale Maritime and Defence Precinct is of archaeological and historical significance to the State of Victoria. It satisfies the following criterion for inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register:
Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria's cultural history.
Potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of Victoria's cultural history.
Importance in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of cultural places and objects.
The Point Lonsdale Maritime and Defence Precinct is significant at the State level for the following reasons:
In the early decades of the nineteenth century, escaped convict William Buckley lived with Wadawurrung people at various locations on the Bellarine Peninsula. He is widely thought to have sheltered in the cave on the point which overlooks the entry to Port Phillip Bay.
The promontory at Point Lonsdale, overlooking the treacherous entry to Port Phillip Bay, necessitated the establishment of maritime navigational guidance structures. In 1852, when shipping increased as a consequence of the gold rush, a tidal signal station was operated by a Signal Master. The signal operators were involved in the rescue of survivors for numerous shipwrecks. Residences for the signal operators were constructed from the 1850s. A weatherboard Rocket shed (demolished) was erected to aid in shipwreck rescues in 1860. The area's strategic defence interest was recognised when it became a battery reserve in 1861.
The first lighthouse was erected in 1863 when the former timber leading light at Shortlands Bluff was relocated to Point Lonsdale. Lighthouse Keeper's quarters and a telegraph station (both since demolished) were also constructed in the 1860s. In the 1880s, a weatherboard foghorn shed (demolished) and additional lighthouse keepers' accommodation (demolished) were constructed. The Jetty and Rocket shed were added in the 1890s to assist in the rescue of survivors from wrecked ships. Construction began on the concrete Lighthouse in 1901. The Lighthouse was designed by the Public Works Department and was erected by contractors Coates Brothers using reinforced concrete, a notable early use of the technique. It was first lit on 20 March 1902. The timber lighthouse was removed in 1912.
The outbreak of World War I prompted the establishment of defence structures in the vicinity of the Lighthouse. Two Searchlight emplacements, a Directing station and Engine shed were constructed in 1914. In 1928 the current Foghorn shed replaced the original. Further defence structures were erected in response to the commencement of World War II. A new concrete emplacement, now the Scend shed, was constructed in 1941 and two gun emplacements and a fire directing emplacement were added in 1942. The Point Lonsdale defence camp was erected consisting principally of P1-type huts, which initially accommodated the 7 Australian CRE (Works). An area was set aside on the east side of the Point Lonsdale Road for the Australian Women's Army Service (AWAS). At the height of the war, there were fifteen camp buildings at Point Lonsdale. Towards the end of the war, some of the structures accommodated Italian Prisoners of War. In 1946, the service personnel social and benevolent organization Toc H applied to use the camp buildings as holiday accommodation for children of former members of the services. In 1951, an octagonal structure housing the signal station and observation room was built around the base of the Lighthouse. The Lighthouse continues to function and the Scend shed houses functioning navigational equipment. The remainder of the precinct is utilised for recreational purposes.
KEY REFERENCES USED TO PREPARE ASSESSMENTCatrice, Daniel and Nelsen, Ivar (1998), Point Lonsdale Coastal Reserve Conservation Management Plan
Duncan, Brad (2006), The Maritime archaeology and maritime cultural landscapes of Queenscliffe: a nineteenth century Australian coastal community, PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Lovell Chen (2013), Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Conservation Management Plan
General Exemptions:General exemptions apply to all places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR). General exemptions have been designed to allow everyday activities, maintenance and changes to your property, which don’t harm its cultural heritage significance, to proceed without the need to obtain approvals under the Heritage Act 2017.Places of worship: In some circumstances, you can alter a place of worship to accommodate religious practices without a permit, but you must notify the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria before you start the works or activities at least 20 business days before the works or activities are to commence.Subdivision/consolidation: Permit exemptions exist for some subdivisions and consolidations. If the subdivision or consolidation is in accordance with a planning permit granted under Part 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the application for the planning permit was referred to the Executive Director of Heritage Victoria as a determining referral authority, a permit is not required.Specific exemptions may also apply to your registered place or object. If applicable, these are listed below. Specific exemptions are tailored to the conservation and management needs of an individual registered place or object and set out works and activities that are exempt from the requirements of a permit. Specific exemptions prevail if they conflict with general exemptions. Find out more about heritage permit exemptions here.Specific Exemptions:It should be noted that Permit Exemptions can be granted at the time of registration (under s.38 of the Heritage Act). Permit Exemptions can also be applied for and granted after registration (under s.92 of the Heritage Act).
Under s.38 of the Heritage Act 2017 the Executive Director may include in his recommendation categories of works or activities which may be carried out in relation to the place or object without the need for a permit under Part 5 of the Act. The Executive Director must not make a recommendation for any categories of works or activities if he considers that the works or activities may harm the cultural heritage significance of the place or object. The following permit exemptions are not considered to cause harm to the cultural heritage significance of Point Lonsdale Maritime and Defence Precinct.
General Condition 1
All exempted alterations are to be planned and carried out in a manner which prevents damage to the fabric of the registered place or object.General Condition 2
Should it become apparent during further inspection or the carrying out of works that original or previously hidden or inaccessible details of the place or object are revealed which relate to the significance of the place or object, then the exemption covering such works shall cease and Heritage Victoria shall be notified as soon as possible.General Condition 3
All works should ideally be informed by Conservation Management Plans prepared for the place. The Executive Director is not bound by any Conservation Management Plan, and permits still must be obtained for works suggested in any Conservation Management Plan.General Condition 4
Nothing in this determination prevents the Heritage Council from amending or rescinding all or any of the permit exemptions.General Condition 5
Nothing in this determination exempts owners or their agents from the responsibility to seek relevant planning or building permits from the relevant responsible authority, where applicable.Specific Permit Exemptions
These works and activities may be carried out provided they do not involve the disturbance of any significant above-ground or archaeological, features, artefacts or deposits.Landscape
.The processes of gardening and vegetation management, including mowing, disease and weed control and maintenance to care for existing plants.
.The removal or pruning of dead or dangerous trees to maintain safety.
.Fire suppression activities such as fuel reduction burns, and fire control line construction, provided all significant historical and archaeological features are appropriately identified and protected.
.Vermin control activities.
.Removal of plants listed as noxious weeds in the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994.
.Repairs and maintenance to the existing carpark, bollards, access road, steps, paths, edging and post-1940s fencing, fence posts and handrails.
.Repairs to or replacement of existing directional, road and speed signs and installing new signage which does not obscure heritage fabric. Note: Interpretive signage requires a permit.Public Safety and Security
.The erection of temporary security fencing, scaffolding, hoardings or surveillance systems to prevent unauthorised access or secure public safety.
.General maintenance for the purposes of safety and security including the removal of broken glass, the temporary shuttering of windows and doors and covering of holes provided this work is reversible.
.Works or activities, including emergency stabilisation, necessary to secure safety where a structure or part of a structure has been irreparably damaged or destabilised and poses a safety risk to its users or the public. It is acknowledged that in some instances additional damage to significant fabric may be required to stabilise and make safe. In these instances every attempt must be made to conserve and retain as much significant fabric as possible. The Executive Director, Heritage Victoria must be notified within seven days of the commencement of these works or activities.
1920s Foghorn equipment
.All regular maintenance required to keep Foghorn equipment (including the Air tanks, Gardner petrol paraffin engine, Timing mechanism, Compressor and Foghorn) in good working order.General maintenance to all buildings and other structures
.Minor patching, repair and maintenance which replaces like with like without large-scale removal of or damage to the existing fabric or the large-scale introduction of new materials. Repairs must maximise protection and retention of fabric and include the conservation of existing details or elements. Any new materials used for repair must not exacerbate the decay of existing fabric due to chemical incompatibility, obscure existing fabric or limit access to existing fabric for future maintenance.
.Preparation and painting of previously painted surfaces in the same colour, finish and paint type provided that preparation or painting does not remove all evidence of earlier paint schemes.
.Cleaning, including the removal of surface deposits, organic growths, plant growths and graffiti by use of low pressure water and natural detergents and mild brushing and scrubbing. No high-pressure hoses or wire brushes etc should be used.
.Preparation and painting of previously painted surfaces in the same colour, finish and paint type provided that preparation or painting does not remove all evidence of earlier paint schemes.
.Works and activities to control of birds and vermin.
.Removal of or maintenance to existing signage.Jetty
.Repair to and replacement of existing electrical wiring and lighting.
.Replacement of corroded fixings as required.
.Repair or wrapping of timber piles as required.
.Repair to or replacement of timber decking, handrails, joists, capping, crossheads, running beams and bearers matching existing timber type, size, and profile.
.Replacement of damaged/broken glazing and damaged/defective joinery, where replacement materials match the original and the work is consistent with the form and presentation of the existing original fabric.
.Removal of existing services such as cabling, plumbing, wiring and fire services and replacement with those that use existing routes, conduits or voids, and does not involve damage to or the removal of significant fabric.
.Repair and replacement of roofing materials and rainwater goods where damaged/broken, to match existing materials, colours and profiles.
.Minor repair and/or replacement of damaged/broken elements where replacement materials match the original and the work is consistent with the form and presentation of the existing original fabric:
-Concrete shaft and capital tower and window frames (x8).
-Main lantern including cast iron gallery and platform including ancillary components such as the steel safety rail.
-Lightkeeper's Station and observation room.
-Cantilevered platform supporting the red and green lights.
.Repairs and maintenance to the existing:
-Modern equipment and weather monitoring devices located on roof of 1951 addition and the walkway to the base of the lantern.
-Steel balustrades to outer edge of roof to 1951 addition and mounted on the concrete plinth between ground and first floor level.
-Access hatch to roof of 1951 addition.
-Navigation light (modern installation).
.General cleaning of the interior provided the preparation and cleaning does not remove evidence of the original paint or other decorative scheme.
.Minor repair and/or replacement of damaged/broken fabric to the following interior elements, providing these are undertaken using materials, colours and details which match the original:
- Lighthouse tower cast iron spiral staircase and associated landings.
- Brass ventilation tubes to Lighthouse tower window openings (x8)
- Main lantern cast iron fittings associated with the operation of the light including the central column, platform and grille enclosure.Scend shed
.All internal worksPOINT LONSDALE MARITIME AND DEFENCE PRECINCT - Permit Exemption Policy
The purpose of the Permit Policy is to assist when considering or making decisions regarding works to a registered place. It is recommended that any proposed works be discussed with an officer of Heritage Victoria prior to making a permit application. Discussing proposed works will assist in answering questions the owner may have and aid any decisions regarding works to the place.
The extent of registration of Point Lonsdale Maritime and Defence Precinct in the Victorian Heritage Register affects the whole place shown on Diagram H1517 including the land, all buildings and other structures (exteriors and interiors), ruins, archaeological features and deposits, roads, trees, landscape elements. Under the Heritage Act 2017 a person must not remove or demolish, damage or despoil, develop or alter or excavate, relocate or disturb the position of any part of a registered place or object without approval. It is acknowledged, however, that alterations and other works may be required to keep places and objects in good repair and adapt them for use into the future.
If a person wishes to undertake works or activities in relation to a registered place or registered object, they must apply to the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria for a permit. The purpose of a permit is to enable appropriate change to a place and to effectively manage adverse impacts on the cultural heritage significance of a place as a consequence of change. If an owner is uncertain whether a heritage permit is required, it is recommended that Heritage Victoria be contacted.
Permits are required for anything which alters the place or object, unless a permit exemption is granted. Permit exemptions usually cover routine maintenance and upkeep issues faced by owners as well as minor works or works to the elements of the place or object that are not significant. They may include appropriate works that are specified in a conservation management plan. Permit exemptions can be granted at the time of registration (under s.38 of the Heritage Act) or after registration (under s.92 of the Heritage Act). It should be noted that the addition of new buildings to the registered place, as well as alterations to the interior and exterior of existing buildings requires a permit, unless a specific permit exemption is granted.
Conservation management plans
The Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Conservation Management Plan was developed by Lovell Chen in 2010 for the Port of Melbourne Corporation and should guide future decision making about the Lighthouse and Scend shed. The Point Lonsdale Coastal Reserve Conservation Management Plan was developed by Daniel Catrice and Ivar Nelsen in 1998 and should be updated to guide decision making about the precinct more broadly.
Aboriginal cultural heritage
If works are proposed which have the potential to disturb or have an impact on Aboriginal cultural heritage it is necessary to contact Aboriginal Victoria to ascertain any requirements under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. If any Aboriginal cultural heritage is discovered or exposed at any time it is necessary to immediately contact Aboriginal Victoria to ascertain requirements under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.
Other approvals
Please be aware that approval from other authorities (such as local government) may be required to undertake works.
Ground disturbance may affect the archaeological significance of the place and, subject to the exemptions stated in this document, requires an application to be made to Heritage Victoria. If any doubt about whether works have potential to affect archaeological significance, contact Heritage Victoria's historical archaeology team first.
Cultural heritage significance
Overview of significance
The cultural heritage significance of the Point Lonsdale Maritime and Defence Precinct lies in the buildings and other structures, objects, ruins and archaeological features and deposits related to the place's role since the 1850s in maritime navigation and rescue and since 1914 in the defence of Port Phillip Bay.
BALLARAVictorian Heritage Register H1126
'CARINYA' LADSONS STOREVictorian Heritage Register H0568
1 Alexander StreetYarra City
1 Botherambo StreetYarra City
Notes See all notes
Friends of the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse
Andrew Sutherland • 23/06/20
Visit the Friends of the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse website http://www.lonsdalelighthousereserve.org/home.html
Public contributions
Notes See all notes
Friends of the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse
Andrew Sutherland • 23/06/20
Visit the Friends of the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse website http://www.lonsdalelighthousereserve.org/home.html