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Statement of Significance
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Banyan Complex comprises garden remnants including several mature exotic trees (which form theboundary of the site); 20-c buildings shown in this 1957 aerial photo in the south-west quadrant of the site (now demolished). Ruins of a number of structures along the east boundary of the property. A brick-lined well is present in the north-eastern part of site . Please see attached for aerials photos showing levels of disturbance.
BANYAN COMPLEX - Interpretation of Site
Garden remnants include several mature exotic trees; 20-c buildings now demolished. Ruins of a number of concrete, timber, besa brick, brick, tiled and corrugated iron roofed structures along the east boundary of the property. Possibly related to c1900 farm complex. A brick-lined well is present in the north-eastem part of site. This site was identified on 15 August 2011 during a survey of 28-40 Colemans Road. Due to the financial constraints of the sponsor, this site was was not fully recorded and should be subject to further investigation should any works be likely to impact the site.
BANYAN COMPLEX - Archaeological Significance
Due to the poor integrity of the site, the archaeological significance of the 'Banyan Complex' is considered low; however, further investigations are warranted to make a full assessment.
BANYAN COMPLEX - Historical Significance
Due to the poor integrity and brief opportunity to record the site, the historical significance of the 'Banyan Complex' is considered unknown; however, further investigations are warranted to make a full assessment.
Heritage Inventory Description
BANYAN COMPLEX - Heritage Inventory Description
A possible farm complex comprising several mature exotic trees, a brick lined well, and the ruins of a number of concrete, timber, besa brick, brick, tiled and corrugated iron roofed structures.
BANYAN COMPLEXVictorian Heritage Inventory
Stained Glass Window at North Brighton [now Carrum Downs] St. Luke's Anglican ChurchVic. War Heritage Inventory