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Burke Rd North Commercial and Transport

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Statement of Significance
HO505 Burke Road North Commercial and Transport Precinct
What is Significant
The Burke Road North Commercial and Transport Precinct contains either individually significant or contributory sites, which provide a visually cohesive elevation that demonstrates the major development phases of the Camberwell Junction commercial area. The predominant development is of the late 19th century boom era and early twentieth century. Later phases include the post-First War retailing growth servicing an increased and mobile population, and the sustained growth in the between-Wars period which provided for important corner buildings. Visually remote from but related to the precinct is the Camberwell Station, itself an important factor in the establishment and growth of the precinct and area (G Butler, Camberwell Conservation Study 1991, additional comments by Lovell Chen 2008).
The fabric which contributes to the significance of this precinct, with the exception of the station, is essentially that which presents to and is visible from the street, as observed in front-on and longer angled views. This generally comprises the front and side street return facades, and parapets, chimneys and roofscapes. Other than this fabric the depth of fabric to be retained in any redevelopment is that which is sufficient to support the facades. While the rear facades and lower wings remain in various states of intactness they are generally not considered to contribute to the assessed significance of the precinct.
Specific buildings of individual and contributory significance which are important to the precinct are identified in the attached schedule.
How is it Significant
The Burke Road North Commercial and Transport Precinct is historically and aesthetically significant to the City of Boroondara.
Why is it Significant
The Burke Road North Commercial and Transport Precinct is of importance in reflecting a distinct phase in the commercial development of Burke Road, north of Camberwell Junction. It is important in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of buildings - retail and commercial with residential above - as presenting in a coherent group. Additionally, the precinct generally exhibits a strong streetscape cohesion and presentation with a readily discernable aesthetic character.
Heritage Study and Grading
Boroondara - Camberwell Junction Heritage Study
Author: Lovell Chen
Year: 2012
AUBURN PRIMARY SCHOOL NO.2948Victorian Heritage Register H1707
FORMER ES&A BANKVictorian Heritage Register H0534
"1890"Yarra City
"AMF Officers" ShedMoorabool Shire
"AQUA PROFONDA" SIGN, FITZROY POOLVictorian Heritage Register H1687