Fruhling Reef Mines
CA 4D Wards Road, HUNTLY VIC 3551 - Property No 201320

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Statement of Significance
The site is representative medium-level low-production mine sites in the Whipstick area (criterion D) and has potential to illustrate these activities because it contains some relatively undisturbed quartz mining of the 1870s (criterion C).
Fruhling Reef Mines - Physical Description 1
A line of seven small mullock heaps, running north-south for a length of about 500 metres. The largest heap lies at the north end of the line and has one dumping line, 30 metres long and 5 metres high. The associated shaft has been filled, and there are no visible machinery foundations.
Fruhling Reef Mines - Physical Description 2
The site is approximately rectangular in area, 500 metres from north to south and 150 metres from east to west and includes all open cuts, shafts, mullock heaps and house and machinery sites.
Heritage Study and Grading
Greater Bendigo - Marong Heritage Study 1999
Author: Andrew Ward and Associates
Year: 1999
Grading: Local
FRUHLINGS REEFVictorian Heritage Inventory
Fruhling Reef MinesGreater Bendigo City
'CARINYA' LADSONS STOREVictorian Heritage Register H0568
1 Alexander StreetYarra City
1 Botherambo StreetYarra City