"Morongo" Presbyterian Girls' School, original 1859 building including interior Nor Kardinia Int College
205 Ballarat Road, BELL POST HILL VIC 3215 - Property No 300727

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Statement of Significance
A Listed - State Significance
Recommendation:- Because of the complex nature of the School as there are important buildings, landscapes and objects too numerous to mention in this citation, it is highly recommended that a professional Conservation Management Plan be carried out. The Conservation Analysis Report, by Tim Perks will be a valuable resource for this work. The aesthetic, historic and social importance of the place is directly linked to its existing fabric. The Conservation Management Plan would provide essential and useful information to school administrators, planners, and designers so that informed assessments can be made in terms of future appropriate developments that compliment and protects extant significant fabric. This is particularly urgent in view of the proposal by the school to make major changes to the entry, with a new driveway, new school buildings as well as a change in use for some buildings.
The Kardinia International College, Bell Post Hill is aesthetically significant on a STATE level, within the curtilage of Heritage Victoria's Registration and it is aesthetically significant on a REGIONAL level outside of it. It demonstrates important design qualities, particularly the community spirit embodied in its configuration, the architecture of the pastoral period and the Girls College era. Important artifacts such as the bell, as well a trees and landscape elements are dispersed throughout this community and substantially contribute to the significance of the place.
The Kardinia International College, Bell Post Hill, is historically significant on a STATE level, within the curtilage of Heritage Victoria's Registration and it historically significant on a REGIONAL level outside of it. Established in 1859 as a prominent pastoral property it is associated with the early history of the region near Geelong. Many of the buildings, gardens, trees, memorabilia and art works date from 1926 to 1994 and have been donated by former students and staff during the period in which it evolved as a large and important girls school. The bell is an example of a rare aspect of the cultural history of the region.
The Kardinia International College, Bell Post Hill, is socially significant on a STATE level, within the curtilage of Heritage Victoria's Registration and it is socially significant on a REGIONAL level outside of it. It is highly valued by the Presbyterian Church amp other sections of the Australian community for its educational associations with thousands of boarders particularly from rural Victoria. The culturally significant fabric of the school provides a tangible link for all past students and other individuals who have had a long and significant impact on the place. As an important boarding and day school it forms a significant and particular component of the heritage of Geelong and Victoria.
Overall, the Kardinia International College, 205 Ballarat Road, Bell Post Hill, is culturally significant on a STATE level within the curtilage of Heritage Victoria's Registration and it is culturally significant on a REGIONAL level outside of it.
"Morongo" Presbyterian Girls' School, original 1859 building including interior Nor Kardinia Int College - Physical Description 1
The buildings and landscaping of the primary and secondary school and former pastoral homestead have evolved on this site over a one hundred and forty year period. The architecture, landscape architecture, memorials, gates and other structures exist in a configuration dominated by the original homestead and designed to create a sense of community within the school, and are worthy of thorough research and documentation in order to appreciate their cultural significance, particularly as they work together to form a unique and indivisible cultural landscape. Classrooms, assembly hall, dining hall, kitchen, medical centre, boarding facilities, library, music, art and theatre facilities, are complimented by sport facilities such as ovals, tennis courts and a gymnasium. Ewen Laird was an honorary member of the School Board and sent his daughters to the school Morongo Girls College and the most recent building complex, The Laird Centre, is named after him. Laird and Buchan were the architects responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of the majority of schools built environment, and remained so for many decades. 8 The complex is predominantly constructed of unpainted brickwork, with corrugated iron roof cladding and demonstrates many different architectural styles. The 1859 homestead is constructed of bluestone with Barrabool freestone decorative elements. A delicate verandah encircles part of the house. The original stables are still intact, as is some of the original landscaping and trees from the pastoral period. The original bluestone entry gateway is intact, although the magnificent wrought iron gates were removed a few years ago. The original gateway and driveway is an important link with the original homestead of the pastoral period and is lined with recently planted oak trees. These trees were donated by the Morongo Old Girls Association. The three rows of Cypress trees extending along the boundary with the Ballarat Road are an important reminder of the early rural location of the school and there also appears to be some remnants of the early garden in this location. There are numerous buildings, structures, trees and memorabilia which date from the pastoral period and especially the sixtyeight years in which the property was used as a Girls College. The greatly reduced land holdings is a reflection of the changes that have occurred to the property since it has been owned by Mr Katsumato. No new buildings or other structures have been built since 1994, although in 1999 the school announced plans for major changes. 5
Heritage Study and Grading
Greater Geelong - Greater Geelong Outer Areas Heritage Study Volumes 1, 2 & 4
Author: Authentic Heritage Services Pty Ltd
Year: 2000
Grading:Greater Geelong - Geelong Region Historic Buildings and Objects Study
Author: Allan Willingham
Year: 1986
MORONGOVictorian Heritage Register H1138
BELL POST HILL SERVICE BASINVictorian Heritage Inventory
MIDLAND HWY HOUSE SITEVictorian Heritage Inventory