Altona and Laverton Foreshore Precinct
Altona Road, Esplanade, Point Cook Road, Queen Street, Racecourse Road, Altona and Laverton ALTONA, Hobsons Bay City

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Statement of Significance
The Altona and Laverton foreshore heritage precinct comprising Altona Road, Esplanade, Point Cook Road, Queen Street, Racecourse Road, Altona and Laverton
How is it Significant?The Altona and Laverton foreshore heritage precinct is of local historic, social and aesthetic significance to the communities of Altona and Laverton.
Why is it Significant?Historically, it is significant for its strong associations with the post-contact development of this area over a long period from first contact until the present day. It illustrates key themes in the development of the Altona and Laverton districts. (AHC criteria A4 and D2)
Socially, it is significant for its strong associations with local communities as the focus of community groups who sought improvement and a higher value for the foreshore and major landscape elements, and as places of recreation over a long period. (AHC criterion G1)
Aesthetically, it is significant as a notable cultural landscape, which is an integral part of the identity of the Altona and Laverton area. (AHC criterion E1)
Please note that some heritage places within this precinct may also have an individual citation in this Study.
Altona and Laverton Foreshore Precinct - Physical Description 1
This foreshore strip takes in land which has seen little change compared to other parts of the City. The same may be said for parts of the Point Gellibrand reserve in Williamstown and the Point Cook homestead complex which connect to this precinct physically and historically. The places cited make up some of the more historic sites in the City. This status has arisen from Crown land reservation of the foreshore and connected sites plus civic and community action to maintain the amenity of a perceived asset. However the private land adjoining these sites is under great pressure for maximum change. Management connected with the proposed precinct is thus relevant to the places cited and development of adjoining property which may affect the relatively undisturbed nature of the identified sites. The elements which make up the precinct include:
- Altona pier, Esplanade, Altona c.1888.
- The Pines scout camp, entrance gates, archway, trees, Altona Road, Altona.
- Maritime pine, Apex Park reserve end Esplanade Altona.
- Apex Park reserve Esplanade, Altona 1963-71.
-Cherry swamp, later Cherry lake, off Millers Road, Altona.
-Laverton homestead & garden 128 Queen Street, Altona 1855c- c1909.
-Truganina Explosives Magazine & Reserve, trees, 276 Queen Street Altona 1897-1906.
-Site of Truganina Explosives Reserve Tramline, Queen Street, Laverton 1900-01.
- Site of Williamstown Racecourse, Racecourse Road, Altona c.1867-1947 (Melway 55B9).
-Stone pitched paving Racecourse Road, Altona 1870s (Melway 55B8).
-Ford over Kororoit Creek Racecourse Road, Altona c.1850s? (Melway 58B8).
-Cheetham Salt Works sites, Point Cook Road, Laverton.
Altona and Laverton Foreshore Precinct - Integrity
Moderate to Low
Altona and Laverton Foreshore Precinct - Usage/Former Usage
An open coastal landscape strip with associated historical fabric from a number of eras, bound by suburban and industrial development on the north.
Altona and Laverton Foreshore Precinct - Historical Australian Themes
Principal Australian Historical Theme(s)
Making suburbs.
AssociationsAltona Progress Association. Various others - refer individual citations.
Altona and Laverton Foreshore Precinct - Physical Description 3
Altona Progress Association. Various others - refer individual citations.
Heritage Study and Grading
Hobsons Bay - Hobsons Bay Heritage Study
Author: Hobsons Bay City Council
Year: 2006
Altona Primary School No. 3923 Complex and TreesHobsons Bay City
Altona Civic Offices Council Chambers (Former)Hobsons Bay City
176 Civic ParadeHobsons Bay City
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1 Alfred CrescentYarra City
1 Barkly StreetYarra City