7-9 Yarra Brae Close WONGA PARK, Manningham City

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Statement of Significance
Yarra Brae, which retains a complex of main house and garden, and farm buildings, has regional significance as one of the district's large riverfront grazing estates with a history that goes back to the pastoral era. It has historical significance for its associations with Lord Clifford, owner of the property from c.1941. Clifford was a successful businessman and patron of the scouting movement. In the late 1940s and 1950s Clifford provided part of his property (now known as Clifford Park) for scouting activities. In 1983, the Victorian Government purchased part of Yarra Brae, which is now included in the Warrandyte State Park. (Criterion A4, D2, H1)
YARRA BRAE - Historical Australian Themes
Local Themes
5.01 - Squatters, selectors & small farmer
YARRA BRAE - Physical Description 1
The Yarra Brae property comprises the main house (including entrance gates, garden and water tanks) and the farm complex (manager's house, wood shed, garage, stables, barn, dairy and milking yard, large barn, and other smaller structures).
The main house is set on a knoll above the river. It is a cream brick, triple fronted 1940s/50s house, with a glazed terracotta Marseille tiled roof. Wrought-iron gates, a large oak (?) and a low stone wall mark the entrance to the property. It appears to be located on the site of an earlier house, shown in photographs as being a large Edwardian homestead, with verandahs on three sides[6]; interestingly brush appears to have been used below the balustrade rail, a feature also seen on one building at Tod Park.
The farm complex is set below the main house. The manager's house is a gable-roofed timber house dating from the 1930s and using the rectangular gable vents which appear common in this locality. The stables are timber-framed, with loose boxes at either end and remnants of a brick floor. Some internal partitions appear to have been altered. The dairy is a brick building with a tiled roof and adjoins an open-sided milking shed. The dairy has been altered, but still retains its three main rooms and some features (such as washing area).
The extensive stone walls are also a feature of this property.
The location of a feature known as "The Boulevard" - a small cutting created by Clement John De Garis as the start of a boulevard along the Yarra River to Melbourne - was not able to be confirmed.[14]
YARRA BRAE - Physical Conditions
Condition Good
YARRA BRAE - Integrity
Integrity Minor modifications
YARRA BRAE - Physical Description 2
Threats Alterations
YARRA BRAE - Physical Description 3
Lewis Clifford
Heritage Study and Grading
Manningham - Manningham Heritage Study Review
Author: Context Pty Ltd
Year: 2006
YARRA BRAEManningham City
Yarra BraeNational Trust