107 Whyte Street, COLERAINE VIC 3315 - Property No 105

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The former store and store at 107 Whyte Street, Coleraine was the early home of a woman who became one of the world's leading cosmetic manufacturers. She had migrated from Poland in 1894 to live with her uncle, Louis. Having established a limited trade in cosmetics at the store based on imported face cream, she fell out with her uncle and moved on to Melbourne. The development of her business follows two versions, one well documented and the other according to Rubinstein's recollections. Nonetheless, she went on to make a fortune not just in the metropolis but internationally using family and friends as important contacts and assistants. The Coleraine store continued as an emporium, similar to the several others in Whyte Street.
How is it significant?
The former store and residence are of historical and architectural significance to the Shire of Southern Grampians.
Why is it Significant?
The former store and residence at 107 Whyte Street are of historical significance for their associations with Helena Rubinstein, a woman who became one of the world's leading cosmetics manufacturers and for demonstrating her humble beginnings in a conventional merchant's store and dwelling. They are of architectural significance as one of several typical such later nineteenth century stores and dwellings in the main street of Coleraine.
STORE AND RESIDENCE (FORMER) - Physical Conditions
The buildings are in good condition.
STORE AND RESIDENCE (FORMER) - Physical Description 1
The building comprises a large single storey shop on the west side and a later single storey dwelling on east side. The shop is said to be brick (of which there is much evidence at the rear) and the dwelling is weatherboard. The two gable roofs, one over each section, are clad with corrugated iron. The shop gable includes a plaque with the date 1866. The original shop windows have been replaced but probably reflect the original plan. The shop entrance is on the east side of the eastern window. The original door and double hung sash window of the dwelling survive. A modern [?] timber verandah with a shingle roof crosses the footpath in front of both sections of the building. It is covered with timber shingles. The interior of the shop is relatively intact with typical fittings for an early twentieth century department store. The interior of the dwelling is also relatively intact. In plan it also typical with a series of rooms accessed from a passage on the west side.
STORE AND RESIDENCE (FORMER) - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 2: Peopling Australia
2.4.2 Migrating to seek opportunity
Theme 3: Developing local, regional and national economies
3.13 Developing an Australian manufacturing capacity
3.16 Struggling with remoteness, harship and failure
3.19 Marketing and retailing
Theme 8: Developing Australia's cultural life
8.12 Living in and around Australian homes
8.14 Living in the country and rural settlements
Residence is used as a partial house museum honouring but not representing Helena Rubinstein. The store is vacant.
The whole of the exterior is relatively intact. The interior of the shop is intact but the interior of the residence has been compromised.
STORE AND RESIDENCE (FORMER) - Physical Description 2
Robert Gage, first owner
Louis Silberfeld, later owner and the uncle of Helena Rubinstein
Bernhard Silberfeld, cousin of Helena Rubinstein
George Johnston, later owner
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
MECHANICS INSTITUTESouthern Grampians Shire
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