72B Whyte Street, COLERAINE VIC 3315 - Property No 108

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
The hairdresser's salon, located on the north side of Whyte Street in Coleraine was formerly a cottage with an early attached shop. The salon is a small brick building with a central door and a six pane window on the east side, and a large display window on the west side. There are shingles under a low hipped corrugated iron roof, which lies behind a later pediment. The brickwork has been painted, but early photographs show quoining on the corners of the building. The building is thought to pre-date 1860, and is one of only two surviving brick cottages in Whyte Street. An early shop is attached to the west side of the building. The shop is a long rectangular brick building which has been clad in fibre sheeting. It has a large modern display window and a separate entrance, set back off the street.
How is it significant?
The Hairdressers Salon and attached shop at 72b Whyte Street, Coleraine is of historical and architectural significance to the township of Coleraine.
Why is it significant?
The Hairdressers Salon and attached shop at 72b Whyte Street, Coleraine is of historical significance as an example of an early conversion of a residence into a shop and residence. It demonstrates an early form of retailing and associated accommodation. It is also of historical significance as one of only two surviving early brick cottages in Whyte Street, and for its associations with the Trangmar family, who were important merchants in the area. It is of architectural significance as a rare surviving example of an early shopfront and display window dating from the nineteenth century.
HAIRDRESSER'S SALON - Physical Conditions
The building is in good condition and is significantly intact, the central shop window being one of the few surviving in Coleraine.
HAIRDRESSER'S SALON - Physical Description 1
The building currently known as the hairdresser's salon is one of two very early surviving brick cottages in Whyte Street. It is a single storey building, constructed from locally made brick, with the later addition of a shop to the western side. The brickwork is quoined at the corners, and has been painted. There is a modern verandah across the facade, and a low corrugated iron hipped roof exists behind the parapet. Troeth (65) also states that the roof is shingled. Prior to its alteration, the cottage was a typically small, symmetrical building with a central door flanked by 6 pane windows on either side. When the building was converted into a shop, the west window was replaced by a much larger display window. There is narrow rectangular shop attached to the west of the cottage. This shop is constructed of brick and clad in sheets of fibre board on the western side. The shop has a large single paned display window and separate entrance.
HAIRDRESSER'S SALON - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 3: Developing local, regional and national economies
3.19 Marketing and retailing
Theme 8: Developing Australia's cultural life
8.12 Living in and around Australian homes
8.14 Living in the country and rural settlements
HAIRDRESSER'S SALON - Usage/Former Usage
Hairdressing Salon
Integrity has been compromised by addition of large display windows and painting brickwork.
HAIRDRESSER'S SALON - Physical Description 2
Thomas Trangmar, first owner of the land
Robert Rigby, early occupant of the cottage
Murdoch McCaskill, early occupant of the shop (bootmaker)
James Kerr, bootmaker
Robert and Emma Rogers, occupants from 1875-1882
John McLeod, tailor
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
MECHANICS INSTITUTESouthern Grampians Shire
'CARINYA' LADSONS STOREVictorian Heritage Register H0568
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