Lynch Street BRANXHOLME, Southern Grampians Shire

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Statement of Significance
The former Colonial Bank is a single storey, symmetrical brick building of traditional house form located on the south side of Lynch Street near the intersection of Monroe Street. It had a timber and cast iron verandah across the western or garden elevation, which has collapsed. It is not certain when this building was constructed but, from its form, plan and detailing it does seem to have been built as a house rather than as a bank, and before 1870. No architect or builder has been associated with the design. The building has a low degree of integrity and is in poor condition.
How is it significant?
The former Colonial Bank is of historical and architectural significance to the community of Branxholme and to the Southern Grampians Shire
Why is it significant?
The former Colonial Bank is of historical significance as a reminder of a previous commercial activity, and apparently the only bank in Branxholme. The former Colonial Bank is of architectural significance as an example of domestic architecture, particularly for the unusual side verandah.
COLONIAL BANK (FORMER) - Physical Conditions
The building is in poor condition
COLONIAL BANK (FORMER) - Physical Description 1
A single storey, symmetrical brick building of traditional house form, now painted, which formerly had a timber and cast iron verandah across the western or garden elevation. The northern half of the verandah was enclosed with weatherboards to dado height and sliding glazed sashes above. The roof is hipped with an M-shaped profile and is covered in corrugated iron. The front windows are 2-paned double hung sashes, while the side and rear windows are 12-paned double hung sashes. The two chimneys are located opposite the front windows. The rear half of the house (or its extension) is in weatherboard with the roof continued in the same materials, form and pitch.
COLONIAL BANK (FORMER) - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 3 Developing local, regional and national economies
3.18 Financing Australia
3.18.2 Banking and lending
Theme 8 Developing Australia's cultural life
8.12 Living in and around Australian homes
8.14 Living in the country and rural communitiesCOLONIAL BANK (FORMER) - Usage/Former Usage
low degree of integrity
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
POST OFFICE (FORMER)Southern Grampians Shire
WILLIAM HOWARTH'S HOUSESouthern Grampians Shire
177 Fenwick StreetYarra City
19 Cambridge StreetYarra City
2 Derby StreetYarra City