Brown Street and McNicol Street BRANXHOLME, Southern Grampians Shire

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Statement of Significance
The Junction Hotel, at the north-east corner of Brown and McNicol Streets, Branxholme is a typical example of a vernacular country pub dating from the late 19th century. Single storey, built of timber and with a simple timber verandah, it existed as the Railway Restaurant at least by 1881, gaining a licence when the Casterton Railway arrived in Branxholme. The building may well have been much older based on the evidence of materials and details. No architect has been associated with the design. Its establishment represented a shift by local businesses away from the creek and main Hamilton-Portland road to the new railway station. The first owners and licensees were William and Agnes Gough. The Gough family was connected with the other hotels in Branxholme at different times. The Junction is the only surviving hotel of four which operated in Branxholme.
How is it significant?
The Junction Hotel is of historical and architectural significance to the township of Branxholme and to the Southern Grampians Shire.
Why is it significant?
The Junction Hotel is of historical significance as the only surviving hotel in Branxholme, and is an important remnant of an earlier, more prosperous period in the history of the town. Its position on a prominent corner near the railway reserve reflects the changes brought about by the arrival of the railway in the late 1870s.
The Junction Hotel is of architectural significance as a typical example of a small country pub, constructed in a vernacular style in the later 19th century.
JUNCTION HOTEL - Physical Conditions
Very low integrity, especially the interiors and the south-west corner (the former public bar area).
JUNCTION HOTEL - Physical Description 1
The single storey timber hotel is typical of vernacular pubs, with its corner position, angled front door (now square) and verandah on two sides. Its hipped and gable roofs suggest construction in two stages. The extensive use of hardwood floorboards measuring 6" x 1" without a tongue and groove suggest a very early date of construction. The floor in the bar area is later pine and appears to have been replaced when the cellar was created below. The external walls are weatherboard, the windows double hung sashes and the roofs are iron. The surviving windows of the principal elevation facing McNicol Street are 12-paned. Those along the side elevation are 2-paned. Bedrooms range along the Brown Street boundary, while the bar and lounges are on the McNicol Street boundary. The rear section may have been moved relocated. The interiors of the hotel have been altered many times, over many years, reflecting the different changes in ownership and usage. Plaster sheeting now covers lining boards which were original finished with hessian and wallpaper. The south-west corner, the original public bar, has been substantially altered. The most recent changes to the interior have been made to accommodate the town's postal facilities, following the closure of the Branxholme post office. No architect has been associated with its construction and an architect's professional contribution seems unlikely.
JUNCTION HOTEL - Historical Australian Themes
3. Developing local, regional and national economies
3.12.5 Retailing foods and beverages
3.22 Lodging people
3.23 Catering for tourists
4. Building settlements, towns and cities
4.5 Making settlements to serve rural Australia
8. Developing Australia's cultural life
8.4 Eating and drinking
8.14 Living in the country and rural settlementsJUNCTION HOTEL - Usage/Former Usage
Hotel and post office
Very low integrity, especially the interiors and the south-west corner, the original public bar.
JUNCTION HOTEL - Physical Description 2
William and Agnes Gould, first owners and licensees
Jemima Grogan, licensee 1907-1911
F J Gorman, licensee 1911-1923Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
POST OFFICE (FORMER)Southern Grampians Shire
WILLIAM HOWARTH'S HOUSESouthern Grampians Shire
'ELAINE'Boroondara City
-oonahYarra City
..eld HouseYarra City