off Old Cemetery Rd off Bellicourt Road DUNKELD, Southern Grampians Shire
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Statement of Significance
The abandoned hut, one of at least two formerly associated with the Devon Park squatting run, is located in the southern end of an unmade road off Old Cemetery Road, Dunkeld and about 1.3kms from Bellicourt. The date of its construction is not known nor is its purpose. The hut may have been built originally for a shepherd or a rabbiter or both. alternatively it may have been built by a selector. The Adzar Parish Plan suggests that the hut was positioned on land purchased by W H Brown in 1862 and at the confluence of several minor creeks. It is about 8.0kms north-north-east of Devon Park Homestead. The bluestone construction of the hut is basic and its style is vernacular, having two rooms and a chimney. The larger room was formerly subdivided by a timber wall. There were other structures and works, now lost, associated with it. The hut has been altered by recent renovations and is in a near ruinous condition without floors, ceilings or windows.
How is it significant?
The shepherd's hut, formerly associated with the Devon Park squatting run, is of historical and architectural significance to the communities of Dunkeld and Penshurst and to the Shire of Southern Grampians.
Why is it significant?
The shepherd's hut is of historical significance because it demonstrates a unique way of life which related to a particular stage of the development of the pastoral industry, when shepherds tended sheep in isolation at remote outstations on vast squatting runs. It is also significance for its later occupation by the Gordon family in the twentieth century.
The shepherd's hut is of architectural significance for its humble construction and vernacular style and as a comparison with the grander homestead.
SHEPHERD'S HUT (DEVON PARK 1) - Physical Conditions
The structure is in fair condition.
SHEPHERD'S HUT (DEVON PARK 1) - Physical Description 1
The hut is a single storey bluestone building of two rooms facing east and overlooking the confluence of several minor creeks. . There is a central ledge and brace door and two window openings on both the eastern and western sides. The original 12-paned sashes are missing. The chimney is on the northern side and has a well finished cornice. The walls are constructed of well squared bluestone in 12" (300mm) beds of random rubble with stone lintels over the door, windows and fireplace. The timber framed hip roof is clad with corrugated iron and has most of the original shingles surviving and remnants of half-round guttering. (It was not possible to see a brand on the underside of the iron which may not be the original.) The walls are whitewashed internally but recent renovations have removed much of the surface. The ceiling may have been lined with pine boards and the floor appears to have been hardwood boards. The hut is situated on a slight rise with some Elm trees surrounding it. The integrity of the hut has been compromised by recent renovations and is still in a near ruinous condition. Nothing survives of the detached timber wing at the rear, although some footings can be discerned and the superstructure is said to have been removed to Dunkeld. There were also a smokehouse, a dairy, stables, a WC and a well.
SHEPHERD'S HUT (DEVON PARK 1) - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 3: Developing local, regional and national economies
3.5 Developing primary production
3.5.1 Grazing stock
Theme 5: Working
5.8 Working on the landSHEPHERD'S HUT (DEVON PARK 1) - Usage/Former Usage
High degree of integrity
SHEPHERD'S HUT (DEVON PARK 1) - Physical Description 2
Silas Harding, long time owner of Devon Park
Heritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
SHEPHERD'S HUT (DEVON PARK 1)Southern Grampians Shire
3 Sherwood StreetYarra City
Archaeological siteSouthern Grampians Shire