off Anderson's Road, GLENISLA VIC 3408 - Property No 0510

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Statement of Significance
What is significant?
Anderson's Beekeeper's Farm, located at the end of Anderson's Road, 3.2kms east of its intersection with the Henty Highway and 7.0kms south-south-east of Glen Isla Homestead, dates from about 1898. The complex, which comprises a small timber cottage, a buggy shed and a woolshed and yards is located some distance off Anderson's Road. The land comprising which had been used for grazing as part of the great Glen Isla squatting run, was sold to David Anderson in 1898. The property was run by David Anderson as a small mixed farm, particularly for growing wool until the interwar period. David Anderson divided the property between his twosurvivingsons, Ormond and Arthur some time post 1920. Arthur lived in the cottage and maintaineda bee keeping business from the site,named'Bluebird Apairies'. After his marriage in 1956, Arthur built a new weatherboard house, and the cottage was abandoned. The collapsed barn and other structures at the rear of the cottage were probably used for storing hives and other apiarist's equipment. The woolshed is a very late example of the use of vernacular building techniques. The cottage is now ruinous but retains a very high degree of integrity. The woolshed and yards are in fair condition and also retain a very high degree of integrity.
How is it significant?
Anderson's Beekeeper's Farm, near Glen Isla is of historical and architectural significance to the Southern Grampians Shire.
Why is it significant?
Anderson's Beekeeper's Farm is of historical significance as a representative example of the now largely lost practice of beekeeping, which was an important industry in the Grampians region. The significance assumes a deeper dimension when seen against the backdrop of both World Wars and people striving to make a living from difficult conditions. The farm is of architectural significance as a complex of buildings, which while vernacular in style, form and technique nonetheless shows sensitivity towards its place and function within the broader landscape.
BEEKEEPER'S FARM (ANDERSON'S) - Physical Conditions
The cottage is in poor to ruinous condition with one chimney close to collapsing. The woolshed is in fair condition.
BEEKEEPER'S FARM (ANDERSON'S) - Physical Description 1
The small weatherboard cottage faces east towards Red Rock, a prominent landmark on the nearby foothills of the Grampians. It comprises two front rooms under the gable roof and two rooms under the rear skillion. The interiors are lined with bead-edged lining boards and there are remnants of cheap wallpaper. There are two brick chimneys on the north side suggesting that those rooms were the living room and the kitchen. The four-panelled front door opens directly into the living room.
A very large Monterey Cypress, Cupressus macrocarpa, which is now dead has been planted on the north-west side of the house probably to provide shade. Some distance to the north-east of the cottage there is a fruit tree, probably an apple tree, which is covered with a crude hexagonal timber frame and wire to protect it from birds. Timber outbuildings, a buggy shed and a barn, have collapsed at the rear of the cottage.
The small woolshed is in two parts, each under its own gable. The walls are made from vertical slabs with plain sawn weatherboards used in the gables. The roofs are corrugated iron. The doors are made from wide boards on a ledge and brace frame with a timber rail used to close the double doors. The internal pens and board show the same vernacular but functional construction. The workmanship is quite fine. It seems likely that the timber was cut and milled on the property. Extensive timber yards extend to the north-west, which are shaded by gum trees.BEEKEEPER'S FARM (ANDERSON'S) - Historical Australian Themes
Theme 3: Developing local, regional and national economies
3.5 Developing primary production
3.5.3 Developing agricultural industries
3.10.3 Encouraging fringe and alternative businesses
3.12 Feeding people
3.12.4 Preserving food and beverages
Theme 5: Working
5.8 Working on the landBEEKEEPER'S FARM (ANDERSON'S) - Usage/Former Usage
High degree of integrity
BEEKEEPER'S FARM (ANDERSON'S) - Physical Description 2
Arthur Anderson
David Stewart AndersonHeritage Study and Grading
Southern Grampians - Southern Grampians Shire Heritage Study
Author: Timothy Hubbard P/L, Annabel Neylon
Year: 2002
Grading: Local
BEEKEEPER'S FARM (ANDERSON'S)Southern Grampians Shire
'Mororo' 13 Oxford Street, MalvernStonnington City
1 Arnold StreetYarra City
1 Austin StreetYarra City